Monday, 25 June 2018


In a Nutshell: The Investigator, a being from another galaxy, chooses a boy and a girl, John and Julie, to help him right wrongs on Earth, miniaturising them to help them in their missions. Models Created by Reg Hill. 

Coast Guard Amphibious Missile Launch was Dinky Toys #674 and  released in the UK 1977 to 1978. It had a white painted metal body with red plastic parts. Rolling wheels. Spring launched missile. Not identified as such by Dinky but this is the boat from Gerry Anderson's TV pilot.  Apparently only available for 1 year by Dinky with no variations in the box or the contents.

Do you have a toy like this?

Do you like the Investigator?


  1. Got to correct you just a wee bit. It had red interior and blue rear fin/engines.

    I remember seeing this in the stores here and trying to figure out what the heck it was. It was definitely not for me though.

    1. Its a shame that the Gerry Anderson connection wasn't pushed harder for the two Investigator toys. Maybe more Anderson fans across the globe like you would have liked them more if they had. Scoop and I had the good fortune to find large plastic knockoff toy versions of the Dinky toy a few years back. Quite stunning really. Have you got a large Anderson collection?

  2. Sadly it is not large, never has been. I saw the coming and going of the original Eagle model kit with the infamously week landing struts. My UFO Interceptor did not survive a move and ended up scrapped (which I now regret 30+ years later). I still have my white Eagle radioactive waste Dinky toy, my TB2 with TB4. I had the oddly out of scale with each part cruiser model kit that had such fragile bits it did not last a year of dusting by mom. A Joe 90 and 2 SHADO mobiles have recently joined.

    1. If you would like your collection to feature on MC Lance then just send me some pocs and a few words to the email address at the bottom of the page, cheers Woodsy.
