Thursday, 28 June 2018

Flaming June

The wildfires on Saddleworth Moor seem to be accompanied by breakouts closer to home. From my window the BBC transmitter on Winter Hill is usually clearly visible, but plumes of smoke are issuing from its slopes tonight. Nevertheless, it doesn't stop the sightseers moving in.


  1. Hope you're Ok Bill, depressing to see.

  2. I'm good Andy, thanks. Still a good 20 miles away, but the smoke plume stretches for miles. You can smell it in the air, god alone knows what the locals make of it.

  3. amazing shots Bill. Very dramatic. the mast looks like Saturn 5 taking off in a strange sort of way! I see that someone has been arrested for arson for the wildfire on Winter Hill. Can't believe someone would fly over the fire with a hot air ballon!
