Tuesday, 26 June 2018


Continuing my look at the Captain Scarlet Century 21 toy vehicles, here's the sleek and accurately profiled Spectrum Angel Interceptor.

It was unique in that the friction motor could be easily removed, giving the toy an almost model like look.

Once attached it didn't do the toy any favours, and does look better without.

Like the Century 21 Spectrum Patrol Car, with it's additional luggage, the Angel comes with a few detachable extras, guaranteed to get lost fairly sharpish if junior isn't careful.

Apart from the friction motor, there's the detachable nose which has a blunted balled tip for obvious safety reasons. It comes with a set of spring-loaded missiles  (probably 4 or 5 originally) which, in good ol' sixties fashion totally disregards safety.  It also comes with a spare front landing skid, as that's detachable too.

Another unique feature is the removable female Angel pilot , which is inserted below the canopy just like in the series.  These's even a few dials on the cockpit dashboard.

In fact, there's quite a bit of detail on this toy, unfortunately the only drawback is how fragile it is, and the fact that getting hold of one that isn't missing parts could be a problem.


  1. Lovely and,annoyingly absent from my collection!

    1. They do turn up, and with your skills I'm sure you could turn even a damaged one into a minter, Kev.

  2. Gorgeous toy. So sleek Scoop. The spur on the rear of the detachable front wheel, is that some king of locking machanism?

    1. Not really Woodsy, it just pushes into a hole. The spur is probably a strengthener to stop it breaking.:)

  3. I'll tell you what, that Angel pilot looks a little on the heavy side. What's she called - Gluttony Angel?

    1. Too much Angel Delight I reckon Kid! ha ha
