Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Flight Club

The First Moon Flights Club was a Pan Am gimmick to boost its image by offering future flights to the moon!

The marketing linked to the beautiful Pan Am Clipper in Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey.

This is the back of the Membership card courtesy of Wikipedia, where you can read much more.

It all reminds me of the connections between Gerry Anderson's Century 21 and 2001 A Space Odyssey, which we've covered many times on the blog such as Scoop's https://projectswordtoys.blogspot.com/2022/01/2001-meets-century-21.html

It also recalls the hovercraft ride first prize of a Project SWORD campaign, whereby kids could design a new SWORD vehicle, a campaign which never happened I don't think. It was first posted by the Philosophic Toad in 2012 in MC https://projectswordtoys.blogspot.com/2012/05/tuppence-hapenny-to-neverwas-avin-u.html

Have you come across a good transport marketing gimmick?


  1. I have a little cardboard suitcase ( the sort of thing schoolkids use to carry their lunches in) I got it at an Op Shop and it's definitely 1970s as it has a NSW Transport sticker on it featuring Donald Duck. Is that meant to be a reference to Sydney Harbour Ferries?
    Not a really good gimmick, but it did make me take notice!

    I was aware of the 2001/ Century 21 connection, but I hadn't realised Brian Johnson was allowed back into the C21 fold as early as The Protectors. I was commenting on a Facebook 2001 forum, that I felt the dust kicked up by the Moonbus landing at the TMA 1 site was just a bit over the top , in the way it hung in the air instead of immediately dropping down as it would in a vacuum. The same look was apparent in Space:1999 Eagle launches and I suppose that is all down to Brian Johnson!

    1. Send us a snap of that card suitcase Looey!

  2. You're not wrong about the dust in 2001 and Space 1999 Looey, but it's bit hard to simulate a vacuum in a model shot, here on Earth.
    Of course, atmosphereless dust will be much easier to create, these days, using decent CGI, but who wants to see that !
