Monday, 24 February 2025

A real-life flying car takes to the skies!

This is bonkers! 

A flying car ... At last! 

It's from Alef Aeronautics via the BBC.

What do you think readers?


  1. hmmmm innerestin'! Betcha this won't reach production. Nice try though.

  2. Owww! That styling!
    I thought it was just a crummy toy, filmed forced perspective!
    No, it's a full sized toy!

  3. From the wobbliness of this truly ugly vehicle, you can see that its just a modern incarnation of those dumb "flying saucers" which the military and industry made in the 1950s - just propelled upwards by giant fans. I shudder to think of the average jerk being allowed to get into one! SFZ

    1. There's one landing in your yard as we speak SF! I'm in it!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/26/2025 4:53 am

    That looks very, very lightweight, and unstable. Look at the wheels. The underside shot at the end does not appear to show a large enough space for a cockpit, much less motors and batteries ?
    It looks like a Piasecki VZ-8 Airgeep with an enclosed body.

    1. An Airgeep? Yep, that's a very apt name for a drone car. Like it.
