Saturday, 30 September 2023


 For the kid who had everything from the worlds of Major Matt Mason ...

.... Major Matt Wallpaper!

I mean, Wow! Who wouldn't have wanted this on their wall back in 1967! I seem to recall I had antique cars but this would have been much better! A major step forward!

Our very own budding astronaut in Finland, Commander Arto Aldrin, is now the proud owner of this piece of Matt Mason history. Suffice to say Arto is excited as it wends a merry voyage to Helsinki Base all the way from the States.

Wall to wall fun or what!

[The picture is from the Ebay seller, toyscout57 of NY, who has sold 14 pieces of this marvellous MMM wallpaper]


I had to chuckle when I saw this old carded frogman. I mean, the firm have just brazenly ripped off one of my favourite Action Man box illustrations! It was clearly the Wild West back then in Hong Kong when anything went!

The toy itself appears to not live up to the famous illustration, a super cheapo frogman and a one-man sub that looks like a soda siphon canister.

Still, back in the day I would have accepted this toy with open arms. I would today! ha ha

Did you have a one-man sub?


I wrapped up my first sale in the re-opened attic this morning.

A 1980's Barbie Gym no less!

It'll go to the Post Office later today.

Wrapping it was a first small step in the latest chapter as an Ebay seller, which began all those years ago in the year 2000, when Ebay started up in the UK [five years after the USA I think?]

Back in 2000 we lived in a different house, where I had an even bigger room to play with, an entire cellar, which I'd turned into an 'old toy shop' in the early 1990's. It was definately a fun hobby.

All before Ebay existed, back then I supplied toy fans with stuff via mail order and also personal customers who visited on the weekend by appointment. All great fun after a boring week at work! I was called Moon Zero Toys. I even took it on the road and had a stall at toy fairs!

Maybe I sold to you!

Have you done much selling readers?

What If Kit Box Art - Part 4

From Matteline 1967, another collection of 'What If' box art designs for kits that never were - but certainly should have been. This is Part 4.

Box tops include Firefox from the Clint Eastwood movie. Poseidon from The Poseidon Adventure, which is actually the original Queen Mary ocean liner. 

The Disney version of the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Then on to Alien, Quatermass, a Dalek from Doctor Who, a Triffid from The Day of the Triffids - Glows in the Dark !, Cocoon spaceship, and wrapping up with a Dogfight Double of the Flash Gordon spaceship battling one of Emperor Ming's ships. Finally a portrait of Roy Cross, the great Airfix box artist.

All great. What a pity none of these were ever produced.

If you really want a model of the Poseidon, Revell did a 1/570th scale kit, which is pretty close to the 1/600th that Airfix used for most of their modern naval and merchant vessels. 

There were also a couple of small scale die-cast models, by Dinky in the 1930s, and Tri-ang Minic Ships in the 1950s.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

Friday, 29 September 2023

Space Snaps

The nights are drawing in and I found I had a bit of time on my hands, so I decided to try and recreate one of my favourite spaceships of childhood, the Nuclear Mars Mission Craft. It first appeared on the cover of the Brooke Bond Race into Space Tea card album, but also popped up on the pull out poster from Countdown comic - ‘Space -Forward to 1988’.
Clearly, these were futures that never arrived, much to my dismay, but the design lives on. My ambition is to make a large scale model of the Mars rocket, but as usual, the best laid plans went out the window and the sections of waste pipe I had put aside for the job, stayed in the back of the garage till another day. So I scaled back my plans and bought a packet of bubble bath tubes instead, each about 4” long. Around the same time I won some Matt Mason spare parts on eBay, along with a few other space toys, which included a plastic LEM and part of a Saturn rocket - both from one of the cheap space sets often sold in supermarkets. The Saturn rocket was in two parts and was made of a soft plastic. Having joined the three bubble bath tubes together as the main body, I needed the elongated ‘neck’ section, so I reversed the front half of the Saturn and fitted it back into the booster section, and the resulting tubular arrangement fitted nicely onto the body. A few bottle tops, some tap accessories, a handful of beads and some Lego finished off the model. Rather than fiddle about trying to neatly paint everything, I printed out a ‘wrap’ with decals and details of panel lines on and fixed this to the outside of the tubes. A bit of copper tape for colour and some final detailing finished it off. Not nearly as ambitious as the model I want to make, but enough for a distraction over a couple of evenings.
The plastic LEM is quite a nice, simple toy in the vein of the late sixties Apollo Moon Exploring, only larger. I added a couple of Lego flats as windows to relieve the stark whiteness of the body and made a base and engine nozzle to sit on the hollow underside and it makes a nice, differently shaped LEM, not unlike the very early proposals for the lander.

Modulo 2000 by Koster: Dome Sweet Dome

I like this old spherical rover from Spain I saw on Todocollecion.

Its like an Isetta for the Moon!

The box art is fabulous.

Anyone got anything like this Modulo?


 I've opened up Harry [the attic] and retirement sorting/ perusing/ pondering/staring through the window/Ebaying has resumed.

The old Mad About Monsters desk is once more alive and kicking.

I have a friendly old wizard to add some magic!

Once you start rummaging its amazing what pops up!

These old Walls et al cards are gorgeous and I'm pretty sure I had some as a kid. Did you?

Pretty much everything I loved as a little 'un is pictured including deep sea frogmen!

Thunderbirds-like crabloggers!

Undersea bases and sleek jets!

What more could you want!

Maybe an old game from those golden years, Twister by MB. Now that was a crazy family pastime, stretching across a plastic mat in your socks! Phew! A classic and a symbol of the Sixties for me.

Did you have a favourite game as a kid?


Dear Woodsy,

In remembrance of the late David McCallum, I photographed the covers of this Finnish U.N.C.L.E. comic book from 1968. The name of the story translates as High Stakes in Singapore.

For me Mr. McCallum was first and foremost Steel alongside Joanna Lumley's Sapphire. The stories terrified the sleep out of me as a teenager. RIP.

Helsinki Base


 I saw this recently on auction and I thought, Yes!

The memories of wearing some of these came bouncing back, such a classic design.

I wonder if these were licensed?

Did you have a bat mask?


Last month's bi-annual Clean-up Day was quite productive, finding this 1/12 scale Bandai Ferrari Flat 12 kit from 1968. 

I was a bit gobsmacked to come across such a rare bird, unstarted and all!

What do you think?

Helsinki Base

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Extra Spicy

 A couple of shots of one of the best Dune movie toys, the Spice Scout by LJN. Its scaled for the action figures, which were 6" high and is seen briefly in the David Lynch movie, just before the Sandworm swallows the Spice Harvester.

The massive back wheel reminds me of classic Apollo Moon Exploring toys and the Prospector.
The designs in the Lynch film were very distinctive and some of which were made as toys, including a trio of Sand Scouts and a large salami-like Harkonnen Ornithopter. There were a range of figures and a couple of guns too.

I haven't seen any toys for the new film, but the designs are equally distinctive and impressive.

The Spice of Life: the New Dune

I'm half way through Dune the new movie. I'll watch the other half soon.

I was never a huge Dune fan. I've not read any of the books but I remember them clearly from my youth.

I enjoyed the first 1980's film largely because of the main actor from Twin Peaks and Sting, and the wholly gruesome part of Lord Harkannan. 

The toys that were released with that original movie have always interested me too, although I've never owned any or indeed found any at boot sales.

The new film, with actors I can't name, looks like a lavish Star Wars. That's no bad thing but the story isn't as concise so its hard to follow at times. The amazing soundscape created by Hans Zimmer is probably the film's biggest draw, together with the fabulous sets.

Have you seen the new Dune?


This was a range of 36 small, six-piece kits, that came pre-painted, and only needed to be assembled.

The Miniature Bird Model Kit series was described on the boxes as 'Easy to Assemble - 6 Separate Hand Decorated Plastic Pieces'. Most also had 'Beautifully Painted' on the front of the box.

Louis Marx & Co. Inc. was one of the major US toy companies, but the models were made in the Far East, as were many of their toys. I could not pin down a release date for these kits, but I am sure there are plenty of Marx toy experts who will have that information at their fingertips. The kits were certainly available in the 1960s, so either 1950s or 1960s.

Each model consisted of left and right body halves (including the legs); left and right wings; tail; and a small stand that was common to all the kits. The assembly diagram was printed on the back of the box.

The feet of each bird were rings, which slid over the twig part of the stand. The stand was always moulded in brown plastic.

A small card was included with each kit. One side showed a colour picture of the bird, which was a repeat of the box top illustration; with details about the bird on the back.

Most of the end-opening boxes are marked Made in Hong Kong, but some say Made in Taiwan. Some do not carry the country of manufacture on the front of the box, just on the ends. I did find a photo of one box that says Contents Made in Taiwan - Box Made in Hong Kong.

This site shows a box that was apparently intended for the British market, as the Assortment number has a U.K. suffix. The box end also says Empire Made, rather than the usual Made in Hong Kong. Small Scale World also has some photos.

The number 6157 is printed on the ends of the box, but this is a general number for the whole range of 36 Bird kits. 

The individual kit numbers only appear on a printed list of all the models that was included in each box.

The Assortment number is usually prefixed HK, for Hong Kong, even on those boxes marked Made in Taiwan. However some do have a T for Taiwan prefix.

Scalemates only list nine of these kits, and give the scale as 1:1, or life-size. This is highly unlikely.

The real birds differ in size, yet the kit boxes are all the same size. They are also tiny - less than 3 inches (75mm) long. I doubt a full-sized Long Eared Owl (12 to 16 inches long) would fit in such a small box.

In addition to the individual kits, there was at least one large boxed set, containing 15 different Birds. This had a lift-off lid.

There was also a counter-top display unit for shops, to promote sales. This was cardboard, with a clear plastic window, showing off a selection of six assembled birds.

I also came across some very similar kits, that do not carry the Marx name. The style of the boxes suggests they are later than the Marx kits.

These might be the same kits, or copies. They all seem to be moulded in a single colour plastic, with only the eyes touched in.

It is possible that the same kits, or copies, were sold under several different brand names over the years. That would be pretty common for Hong Kong toys.


Marx Bird Kits list:

Assortment No. 6157 (printed on box ends)

Individual kit numbers (printed on enclosed list)

Colorful Model Kits of Thirty-six Different Species

1 - Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

2 - Belted Kingfisher

3 - Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker

4 - Black-Billed Magpie

5 - Scarlet Tanager

6 - Red Cross Bill

7 - Evening Grosbeak

8 - Yellow-Headed Blackbird

9 - Red-Winged Blackbird

10 - Pileated Woodpecker

11 - Blue Jay

12 - Canary

13 - Tufted Titmouse

14 - Eastern Bluebird

15 - Ruby-Crowned Kinglet

16 - English Sparrow

17 - Parakeet

18 - Baltimore Oriole

19 - Long-Eared Owl

20 - Yellow Warbler

21 - Cardinal

22 - Robin

23 - Barn Swallow

24 - Goldfinch

25 - Chestnut Sided Warbler

26 - Black Burnian Warbler

27 - Prothonotary Warbler

28 - Yellow-Throated Warbler

29 - Yellow Breasted Chat

30 - American Redstart

31 - Bobolink

32 - Rufous-Sided Towhee

33 - Chestnut-Collared Longspur

34 - Cliff Swallow

35 - Red Headed Woodpecker

36 - White Crowned Sparrow

"Collect Each of These Beautiful American Birds"


14 photographs from Worthpoint

Paul Adams from New Zealand


Here's some pictures from the beginning of my career with the Toy Industry UK / Children's Comics , taken from my archives....from 1988 - 1989...
Enjoy this bit of Toy History....M.A.S.K. Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand....Kenner Toys UK......

My first Toy Industry product I got to work with....model sets , painted backgrounds and a lot of close up picture taking....these early pictures took me into a whole different way of doing things for my work...with M.A.S.K. using studio photography....before this I did only Portraits , Weddings , Theatres Publicity Pictures of Artists and Groups in Blackpool...some Commercial Products Photography and Motor Sport Magazine stuff....a whole new world for me was just about to happen around the corner in 1988/1989....

Hope you all like these pictures...Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS UK.

Did you have any M.A.S.K toys?


I lucked out at a local church flea market: 3 vintage books!

The Story of the U.S. Air Force, 1959, Landmark Books. For young readers. I’m sure I read this in school.

Great American Fighter Pilots of World War II, 1961, Landmark Books. Another school library classic.

Rendezvous in Space: The Story of America’s Man-In-Space Programs - Projects Mercury, Gemini, Dyna-Soar (did this idea morph into the Space Shuttle?), and Apollo. 1962, EP Dutton. Never heard of this one, but it’s definitely my cup of tea! Can’t wait to read it.

have you read them?

Rob C


This amazing doll image+ link was sent to me in June by the Baron re. my old post JAMES IN JAPAN':

Anyone got one of these or any other Janice Rand memorabilia?

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

North American Van Lines Transferred

 Months ago I picked up this old small North American Van Lines die-cast.

It's livery was battered.

I asked Bill if he would finagle some new paper transfers and voila!

What do you think?