Thursday 28 September 2023


I lucked out at a local church flea market: 3 vintage books!

The Story of the U.S. Air Force, 1959, Landmark Books. For young readers. I’m sure I read this in school.

Great American Fighter Pilots of World War II, 1961, Landmark Books. Another school library classic.

Rendezvous in Space: The Story of America’s Man-In-Space Programs - Projects Mercury, Gemini, Dyna-Soar (did this idea morph into the Space Shuttle?), and Apollo. 1962, EP Dutton. Never heard of this one, but it’s definitely my cup of tea! Can’t wait to read it.

have you read them?

Rob C


  1. Martin Caidin again - he was responsible for the background on Six million Dollar Man series, perhaps his work on Lifting Bodies inspired the script!

  2. Also responsible for Marooned, later filmed with Gregory Peck. The scene where they launch a rocket through the eye of a hurricane is one of my favourite space movie moments!

  3. That and the scene from Wings of Honniamise where they launch a rocket through an overhead jet fighter battle!

    What are your favourite rocket launch scenes, Moonbasers?

  4. Martin overestimated firestorms...lots of back and forth on that one.
