Wednesday, 6 October 2021


 I've written about small plastic Tarzans a few times. It's a minor blog legend really.

I was chuffed when I found a Tarzan at a boot sale last summer.

Its amazing where this classic figure turns up. Besides the Phantom Jungle set here's another vine swinger in this Kindergeburtstag bundle bag of party favours I saw on Ebay so I saved the pics. I wonder if the King of the Jungle is in the public domain?

Have you got a Tarzan or a Jane in your life?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/06/2021 12:47 pm

    That figure looks very like a figure I had in the 1970s. Is he holding something in his right hand, or it it just flash ? Not sure after all this time, but I think my figure had a red loin-cloth ? Sold loose from a large box, mostly containing toy animals as far as I can recall. Probably from Hong Kong.

    1. These plastic vine swingers are everywhere Paul, in sets, on cards, in bags and loose. This figure seems to have been the go-to Tarzan for jungle toy sets. One set is as rare as hen's teeth I don't think he's holding anything. My Tarzan's hand has been chewed! What's flash?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/08/2021 5:55 am

    Flash is excess plastic or metal surrounding a part that has been moulded or cast in a two-part mould. If the two halves do not meet tightly, or become worn over time, some of the plastic or metal oozes out in to the gap. When it sets, it becomes flash, and needs to be trimmed or sanded off. I will see if I can find a really horrible example, and send you a photograph.
