Tuesday, 5 October 2021


There used to be jobs at school when I was a kid. Secondary school I mean. the two I remember where Monitor and Prefect. Like Project SWORD ranks, they both had badges.

I think Monitors checked whether you had all the equipment you needed. Pen, pencil, ruler and so on. I'm not sure if they had spares - like an ice-cream vending person at the cinema? Maybe they monitored other stuff too.

Prefects were altogether more important than monitors. Fifth year Marshalls these Young Guns for hire patrolled the dark corridors of the institution searching out miscreants and forcibly pointing out the errors of their ways with a clip round the ear. A  bath full of scorpions was preferable to a corridor full of Prefects! At least that was my experience in a mid-70's Catholic High School in Preston. So much for saintliness!

Prefects also decided how much and what type of food we got. With one of this breed sat at every table like a dinnertime Sheriff they ladled out the meals and the puddings. If you said you hated swedes that's mostly what you got. I learnt not to say I hated skin on my custard. I learnt to keep stumm pretty quick!

I was never a Monitor nor a Prefect. I just watched them.

Were you one readers? Were you something else at school?


  1. In lower school at secondary school, I looked after the animals in the biology prep room. Later on in school, I could usually be found in a physics prep room sorting something out for the science teachers. Little did I know then that I'd be spending my whole working life hanging around science prep rooms and labs!

    1. Now they sound like interesting jobs Kev!

  2. You watched the monitors Woodsy? How self-referential!

    1. Yep, I wore a yellow smiley face badge with a streak of ketchup dribbling down it!

  3. I was a Prefect.
    In fact, I was on the Prefects Committee. I had the badges as well to prove it.
    Didn't stop me scewing up my A levels though.

    1. I screwed mine up too Mish. I left 6th form after 12 months, got a crap job and bought a motorbike.

  4. I got lucky and went to Art College.
