Wednesday, 6 October 2021

New Toys 1957

Hi all

Here is a very short British Pathe film clip of the 1957 toy fair, with a revolving animated cartoon viewer - which seems to be mounted on a record player. There is also a money box which spins the coins around before gobbling them up, and an air power rocket that looks like a V2. Pathe certainly covered some interesting subjects. Unfortunately Pathe never identify the makers of the toys in these clips.


  1. Thanks for an interesting clip Paul. The cartoon viewer is the Red Raven Magic Mirror, which combines the idea of praxinoscope with a record player. There are a couple of Finnish records (ca. 1962) produced for the player, which was marketed in Sweden under a different name but still the same Red Raven brand.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/06/2021 12:37 pm

    Thanks, Arto. That was very interesting, and great to have the toy identified. There are links to other sites giving further information. There were 20 records, each with two sides, so 40 different songs. Some of these are available on You Tube, so we have a chance to see the players in action. Here are a few examples. Just type in Red Raven Movie Records, and further examples will appear.

    "THE LITTLE RED ENGINE" movie records RED RAVEN disque animé - Dany Fischer Saverne - YouTube

    Red Raven Movie Record I'm a Little Teapot - YouTube

    Red Raven Movie Record #39 Grand Old Flag for Daniel - YouTube

  3. Ive got an air powered rocket similar to the one shown:

  4. 1957 the year of my birth!
    I had one of those stamped steel rocking horses ( Mobo brand from memory) the exposed springs were a real pinch hazard as I recall from bitter experience!
    They'd never get away with making a toy like that today!
    I had the Merit (transparent red and blue) water pump Rockets...

    1. A Mobo rocker! Iconic Looey. I won one at an auction years ago. A huge tin animal on yes, those huge springs! I must have sold it cos' it ain't here now!

  5. A propos Mobo, did you know that the Mobo tortoise (or toy-toise) has a pressed-steel Finnish clone of the same name?

  6. Mobo the "living" tortoise. The Finnish manufacturer was Is-Ma, which had premises not far from where I live

    1. fabulous Arto. Love the link, some fascinating stuff on that site!

  7. That's the search engine for all our museums and archives all at once, so many interesting items there!
