Friday, 3 September 2021


I liked this copter when I saw it on an old auction site so I kept a piccy. Its got that optimism of the space race all over it, basic yet somehow futuristic. I love the box art. Is that rocket earlier than Apollo?

Dunno who the maker is sorry. Do you like it?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/03/2021 1:38 pm

    The helicopter is a US Bell 47 in Spanish Air Force markings, so the maker could be Spanish. The two jets could be American Super Sonic Transports - the planned US rival to the Concorde. No idea about the rocket.

    1. Yes, its likely to be from a Spanish auction Paul. Thanks.

  2. The rocket is an Atlas, as used on the Mercury missions, i'm surprised to see it brush shoulders with the Boeing SST swing wing airliners, which I assumed were much later.

    1. Thanks Wote. I knew it looked familiar.

  3. I used that image for a search on google and in the end found the auction:
    Italian seller describes it as being by Sanchiz of Spain (though Sanchez would be more likely as a name).

    I'd already noticed that the identification number next to the Spanish roundel contains IBI, and the town of Ibi was sort of the Nuremberg of Spain, centre of toy production. PayĆ” was there as well as many others, so presumably Sanchiz/Sanchez as well.

    Best -- Paul

    1. Thanks Paul. Well spotted. It will be Sanchis then. the golden F-104 I posted the other day was by them too, a fabulous Spanish toy outfit. Cheers for the link too.
