Wednesday, 2 June 2021


 Quite a good catch today at the local mega car boot sale in a huge field.

Some Pokemon goodies for Moonbase Junior and some older stuff for yours truly. A few die-casts in there too. There must have been at least a thousand die-casts spread around in trays and boxes across the field.

There's some Bandai Power Rangers, a Takara Hobby Joy car, three old Hot Wheels, a Majorette Holiday Inn car and so on.

What do you think?

As always there were tons of things I liked but couldn't get like some of these ace tough Tonka vehicles. I like the Brinks van at the front left. 


  1. What a haul Woodsy, and it's only mid-week! Batboat and all.

    Who's that chap in the middle, with a skin condition?

    1. I think he may be the Walking Dead Arto. It was a freebie!

  2. Not sure about Minions and Power Rangers, Husky Batboat and Scammel Tipper are nice. And Duke Kaboom at the back! “Yes I Canada!”

    1. Power Rangers are old Wote, Bandai 1993. the minions are for Junior and came in a karge bag of stuff on the table for just 2 squidlins including Junior's beloved Pokemon. It was a steal. Hot Wheels are from 74 and 75 and another one.
