Tuesday, 19 February 2019


We've seen this before but maybe not the box.

I saved these pics from Ebay ages ago.

Its the Tarheel Fire Engine.

The T with kids logo is on the box end above and on the side of the toy.

The model number is 5710.

Unusually for Tarheel this toy is tinplate.

Tarheel also released a series of Project SWORD toys in the late 60's for the American and Canadian markets.

Here's the blog's checklist of Tarheel toys.

Have you got any Tarheel toys?


  1. How was your FF CD, Woodsy?

    1. Hi Kid, I wasn't on Base when this was posted. All my posts are scheduled at least a month in advance apart from some urgent updates and additions. As it happens I listened to the FF CD on the way home from North Wales this afternoon! It was excellent quality and I loved the story! The Way it Began! A true origin tale. I thought the voices were spot on especially Ben Grimm's who's gruff grouching was the stand-out character! His nickname for Reed, Stretcho, was funny! Thanks again Kid. Have you covered Power records on Crivens? I'd love to see the original cover for this story.

    2. I've covered that one record, Woodsy. You can see the cover at Power Records Presents - The Fantastic Four...

    3. Ta Kid. I'll check it out. Thanks again. Ben Grim lives!
