Monday, 18 February 2019


I like this short film on You Tube by Okrajoe using NASA footage.

It helps bring to life the backstory to my Project SWORD Dyna Soar toy from 1967.

It compliments this other colour short published by Julian Budde on You Tube.


  1. I had the project sword toy as a kid, following up on the websites that offer blue-prints and such, it turned out this was to be a 3 man vehicle that could function as a long range bomber, it could be anywhere on the planet in an hour and then away undetected!- Mark J Southcoast Base

    1. Its odd that Mark. I don't think I ever saw it as a bomber when I was a kid, more a space plane like the Space Glider. I suppose the border between Defence and Space is a thin one and NASA and USAF and the US Army will have had many projects together. Project SWORD itself, the organisation, were no angels in the comic strips and stories, routinely putting down insurgents called Casuals and Rejects. I suppose SWORD was as military an outfit as it was a Space one. For me as a kid it was space that counted.
