Wednesday, 30 November 2016

is Lego taking over everywhere?

Are modern toys being taken over by Lego?

I went into a toy shop recently and all I could see was Lego. Even other brands like Marvel and Hot Wheels had had the Lego treatment.

What is creating this stultified toy offer in the shops? A lack of demand for toys from kids? A Lego craze?

To me a world just of Lego is a boring place.

What do you think readers?

project sword badge from the factory?

Earlier this year I acquired the SWORD badge on the right. It was an Ebay win and in pristine shape.

The badge was unusual as it had no chroming whatsoever on it. A normal badge would have all the words and relief chromed. This one was completely blank.

I had wondered of it might have been a pre-chroming sample from the factory.

This Autumn I won an another badge, the one on the left. It too was short of chrome but critically it did have some on it. Unlike the one on the right this was a well-used badge with a rusty pin.

This proved to me that the chrome on these badges could come off completely through normal usage and I no longer consider the badge on the right to be a factory sample. Its just a very clean silverless one.

What do you think readers? 

Have you any SWORD badges without silver chroming?

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

bullycan aviones cosmicos triple packs gallery

These are all the Spanish Bullycan Aviones Cosmicos triple packs I have seen so far on various Spanish auctions over the last few years.

The various related Bullycan Aircraft Carriers to follow.

Have you any of these triple packs or loose toys?

Monday, 28 November 2016

I Wish I Was a Spaceman

Back in 1969, one of the finest examples of space toys was the Mattel Major Matt Mason line of toys. Released earlier, '69 was the watershed moment when every space toy found its moment and MMM is still amazingly popular today. As my own collection is far from complete, ive resisted blogging about the toy, as I dont have many good examples to show. However, European collector Paul Vreede has an enviable collection and sent me these shots of the accessory paks, recently. Those were the days..

Stingray submarine aircraft carrier sketch

My new paint doodle of the classic TV21 Sub Carrier.

Have you ever had a go at drawing one?

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Saturday, 26 November 2016

serie espacial by payva: spain's apollo moon exploring glider and co.

These plastic space toys are from the Serie Espacial by Payva of Spain.

They aren't that big as you can see from the Euro next to this one.

The four vehicle series comprised of: 1. flying saucer, 2. space glider, 3. space jet and 4. rocket [my names] and were numbered as such rather than being named on the boxes. The number was ink stamped on the white panel on the box end as shown below with the number 2.

Toys 3 and 4 are not pictured here.

The red space glider above links this series to Apollo Moon Exploring by Imperial Toys as its the same, although the Spanish version is larger I think [I don't have the Payva toys].

Colour variations may exist of the Payva range. As we have featured many times, several toy outfits released this series in their own name, such as Blue Box, C21st Century and Ahi. They all had different packaging and the decals were specific to the brand I think [this needs checking].

The red glider above was released in different sizes and forms on its own by many toy companies such as HG, Imperial and as a Blakes 7 spacecraft.

Do you have any of these toys readers?

aerospace projects blog

Hi Woodsy,

Just looked at the aerospace projects blog and discovered if you click "dyna-soar" on the right hand menu, you see a number of project drawings which look like Spacex models e.g. the needle probe. 

Might be worth including on the blog?

Andy B.

Friday, 25 November 2016

what would you have in your shop?

If you ran a Christmas shop what would you stock?

How would you deal with vintage toy collectors?

What about the desperate husband or wife looking for something late on Xmas Eve?

What about modern kids?

Cocoa or hot chocolate?

My new favourite hot drink is hot chocolate. It just goes so well with dark winter nights when I get home from work. Easy to make, it's ready in seconds using hot water and a dash of milk stirred into a mug. The brand I'm using is Cadbury's.

When I was a kid it was called cocoa, which my Mum made using a pan of hot milk. It's probably nostalgia but I recall that cocoa tasting absolutely divine and much better than hot chocolate. Cocoa was always given to me in a nice China cup on a saucer.

I think the cocoa brand was Rowntrees.

I remember a plastic mug with a lid on the form of a night cap, a bit like Scrooges. It may have been for Ovaltine rather than cocoa, but I bet it's collectable nowadays. I know there are large cups associated with hot chocolate in the shape of a piece of Cadbury's choccie, but these can be found easily in charity shops here.

Did you drink cocoa or hot chocolate as a kid readers? Do you now?

space exhibition at Toronto airport


I have a new exhibit in the departures level of Terminal 1 at Toronto International Airport, Canada.

It's a sort of brief view of space history as seen through pop culture. Books, toys, models etc. It's got everything from HG Wells and Verne through Goddard Tsiolkovsky and Oberth to Clarke, Von Braun, Bonestell, Apollo, Dr

Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, X Prize, Shuttle, International Space Station, etc etc.

SpaceX and Major Matt Mason too!

It's there until January 2017.


Rob Godwin

Thursday, 24 November 2016

when does your Christmas begin?

Christmas seems to start earlier every year. The shops began it on November 1st here in England.

I know some people have put their tree up already. It seems way too soon to me. It's still November!

When will you start your Xmas readers?

stretch camper

This cool veedub image was sent in by Andy B.

Have you seen a weird vehicle of late?

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

is sci-fi dead?

Is Science Fiction under threat?

The world appears to be drowning in a miasma of earthbound intolerance and selfishness.

As we all grapple with these real global injustices has Sci-Fi any chance of surviving and moreover is it even relevant anymore?

Is Science Fiction dead already?

What do you think readers?

bravestarr style galaxy cowboy figures

Hello Woodsy

A while back I sent some pictures you were kind enough to lend me a hand, but as far as the horse I then sent, we ended up ignorant about. 

One of these days I stumbled upon a bag of small figures... and there it was. So, almost a year after, here it is. 

Thank you once again for the kindness and cheers for your work with so many wonderful toys.



anyone collect figures like this readers?

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

geek salad

Like most people I create my own bubble of information. Some gets in, some doesn't.


I saw on the News that a lost series of Dr. Who has been recreated in animation. Since the original audio exists it will be presented with that, although I don't know where. 

Is this a big deal for Dr. Who fans?


I saw most of House II for the first time last night on You Tube. Not a patch on the original House with lead character Roger Cobb, Sean Cunningham went for laughs with House II. 

Having re-watched the original I noticed some Aurora models in Cobb Junior's bedroom. A sure sign of a late Seventies American setting, for that authentic look Aurora monsters were and are essential props. Just think of Super 8! 

Do you like House?


Bill tells me that Thunderbirds is back on the telly! Where? This one has really missed by bubble and I must say I haven't seen any mention of it anywhere in the media. 

Are you watching Thunderbirds?


The must-see movie of the Christmas season will surely be Star Wars Rogue One. I think it's released here in the UK on December 16th. Not sure about anywhere else. I still haven't seen the new trailer yet, although I hear great things about it. Is it really only a year ago since the last new film! 

Will you be going to see Rogue one?


Robert Vaughn died last week. His most famous role was Napolean Solo, the suave secret agent in the cult US TV series from the 1960's, The Man From Uncle. I also vividly recall his convincing portrayal of a gunslinger in the epic Magnificent Seven.

 Alas Mr. Vaughn's passing is both sad and poignant as he was yet another icon of our childhood now lost. I still have my Marx 1966 UNCLE Counter Spy Kit as I'm sure many of you have collectables from the show. In this way his presence will still be felt. 

What's your fave Robert Vaughn memory or collectable?

RIP Napolean Solo. We will miss you.


Till next time, same channel.

dr.who exhibition props by kevin


I've done a couple of compilation images of my larger Doctor Who props because I don't often get to photograph them. 

These pictures are from various exhibitions or fundraising events that they have been on. 

K9 has the best time, he has appeared at the Liverpool Philharmonic when they did an SF themes concert hosted by Elisabeth Sladen! and got to meet John Leeson (who provides the voice for the original), at a different event.

Take care,

Monday, 21 November 2016

Is super 8 the real Cloverfield 2?

I caught Super 8 this weekend and enjoyed it immensely once again.

I couldn't help wondering if this film is the true second feature in the Cloverfield story and not the woeful 10 Cloverfield Lane?

I feel Super 8 works really well as a prequel to Cloverfield.

It could work as a sequel too.

What do you think readers?

Italian Spacemen

Hello Woodsy

I came across your blog while searching for the origin of some toy figures.

From what I can tell these figures are possibly Res Plastics of Italy?

Attached Is a pic of the figures that I am referring to. Just thought you might be interested in seeing it.


Anyone recognise these figures readers?

Sunday, 20 November 2016

bored with board games?

I've always been rubbish at Board Games. 

I did love the box art and the game parts but never enjoyed playing the games, worst luck for me especially at Christmas when families traditionally play.

I did play crazy plastic games like Mouse Trap, Cascade, Ker-Plunk and Buckaroo but these were lore like toys than games. Normal games played with dice and boards sent me running for the hills.

It's my brain. I get bored almost immediately, no pun intended and fidget and twitch. Then I give up. 

Lots of games filled our family home when I was a kid in the Sixties: Blast Off, Formula 1, Go for Broke, the tiresome Monopoly, Backgammon and of course various chess sets - plastic, magnetic, wooden - and the game of geeks, Space Lines [which I tried to play] to name but a few.

So when I met my Missus on the Continent in the late Seventies I was amazed to find that she loved board games and unbelievably, strategic games.

She played Go, a sort of Japanese draughts that looked like a large square board covered with sweets. O'd never seen it before in 1978.

She also loved  [and still does] Halma [Ludo], Mensch Aerger Dich Nicht, Monopoly, Mastermind, Muhle [Nine Mens Morris], Floh Spiel [Tiddlywinks], Spitz Pass Auf [Mousy Mousy] and Mikado [Pick up Straws].

The only game she didn't play was Mah Jong, a Chinese game involving cream tiles adorned with classical Chinese imagery like Cranes and Bamboos. I've never played it either but have regularly seen it for sale at flea markets, usually in a nice leather case. Anyone played it?

So despite living with an acute inability to play board games I do love the box art and the contents. I have collected them as works of art for many years and have some beautiful games in my loft. 

I also now regret selling many fine vintage games as well, in my toy dealer days, like Mine a Million and Air Charter. You can't keep everything though can you?

Do you collect board games readers? Do you play them? Do you like strategic games?

Saturday, 19 November 2016

is this the ugliest space toy in history?

Just as there are beautiful space toys there are also ugly ones and this has to be one of the ugliest!

A complete hash of a thing, its the Space Search B2 [or 82?] by Chinese outfit Hong Da.

I see this chimera every now and then online and more often than not its described in glowing terms like Super Super Rare. Super Super is OK but I can think of other words to replace Rare!

I even saw it linked to the film Fantastic Voyage!

What exactly have they mashed up to create this thing readers?

Do you think its ugly?

Any other ugly toys you know of?



Kevin's comment about Proteus has encouraged me to take a second look at this toy!

It does indeed look like the ship from Lost in Space [does it?]

But is the ship pictured below the Proteus from Fantastic Voyage?

and below Proteus, the ship from Fantastic Voyage!

Whats the connection between these two craft readers? Anyone know?


Postscript 2

Further browsing of auction sites has revealed more Proteus lookalikes!

Seaview sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea [this is the Remco version]

Ovni TH003 by Madel of Spain

Ovni ZE 001 by Madel of Spain

Astronave M7X for Madelman figures by Madel of Spain [thanks Bill]

toy moonscape on friends magazine now!

There's a cool plastic moonscape toy available as a free gift with the Fun To Learn Friends kids magazine here in the UK at the mo.

The plastic half-dome is stuck to the cover as part of a space set. Its about 2 inches across. It might go well with SpaceX or Apollo Moon Exploring☺

I can't find a picture of the particular issue but its in the shops now. Here's a picture of what the magazine looks like generally.

geek salad with jamborees

Well its Saturday morning here in the north eastern stretch of England. Its cold but the sky is bright blue with long streaky clouds. It looks like toothpaste.

I've often wondered about toothpaste. It holds that special place in TV history over here as it was the very first thing to be advertised on commercial television. Gibbs SR I seem to recall being told. I didn't see it. I was still being designed.

With such credentials toothpaste could well be more than it seems. For instance, on a desert island with nothing but two crates of Colgate, could it be eaten as food? Its unlikely we will have a toothbrush on the island so cleaning your teeth is out.

A most special item which is certainly food us the Jamboree. I know because I am currently eating five of them with my coffee. Its the breakfast of champions and for those who haven't been shopping properly for days.

In case you don't know a Jamboree is a biscuit. It could even be a cake, it's hard to say. A small biscuit base is covered with two lines of marshmallow, which in turn are sprinkled with desiccated coconut. A line of strawberry jam finds its way in there too. It is simply quite scrumptious.

The Jamboree comes in packets of about 12, which would last me about 3 cups of tea or coffee. It was once even catapulted to the centre of our Christmas table [not literally!] in 1984, when Missus Moonbase and I were young penniless parents. That freezing Welsh Christmas Day we had nothing but our newborn and a bag of precious food from the Co-op, which included a packet of Jamborees.

They do go under different names. Jamboree is a brand I think and as with all success come knockoffs and clones, which my Daughter informs me are called 'me too's' in the food industry. Jamborees were also known as Fiesta in some quarters [probably the car industry] and the ones I'm eating now from our local mini-market are called Bobby's Mallows! Now that's a name straight out of Viz!

The question of whether its a biscuit or a cake is one which has made grown men weep into strong Yorkshire tea. As perplexing as whether tomatoes could be placed in the fruit bowl, the sheer extravagance of the Jamboree surely raises it above the mere rabble of everyday biscuits? Or is it simply mutton dressed as lamb? Or Mallow dressed as jam?

Joining similar delicacies like Viscounts, Tunnock's Wafers and Wagon Wheels, the vexing puzzle 'is it a biscuit or a cake?' is one The Riddler would have been proud of and one we can only ever hope to answer of we keep on sampling the goods!

What do you think readers?

more annuals from century 21 publishing: tingha and tucker, count 123 with barnaby and alphabeat

Here's three unusual annuals from Century 21 Publishing, Gerry Anderson's publishing arm, I've noticed online. 

For more C21 books check out previous posts via the labels at the bottom of this one. 

Anyone got any C21 books?

They made excellent Christmas stocking fillers!


1968 [is Barnaby off the telly?]


Friday, 18 November 2016

midori lunar climber

courtesy of you tube, the model kit built and climbing!

Anyone got one?

Thursday, 17 November 2016

what's your favourite childhood thing?

What's your number 1 favourite thing from childhood readers? A toy? A record? A comic? A memory?

C'mon, let us know!

astro ray gun alive and clicking

Some space toys go on and on and this is one. I was amazed to see the Astro Ray gun still being made and for sale as a brand new item by Ohio Art!

I wonder what the very first toy was with this evergreen design?

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

tarheel toys checklist updated with project sword

This is an updated checklist of all the TARHEEL toys known to the blog including the two newly discovered "Captain Scarlet" Project SWORD toys.

Some toys and model numbers are missing. Can anyone help?

In an earlier post, reader Arto observed that the "T with kids" logo appears on the first and the last toys of the numbered list. The core of the series seems to lie somewhere between 5920-5928, all with the "T globe" logo. What was number 5927 and the toys between 5929 - 5933?

[For completeness I have included a small section on JOHNNY TARHEEL of Japan, although the connection to Tarheel Industries, USA is unclear. 

Empire of Tarboro, the later incarnation of Tarheel and previously researched on the blog, was a prolific maker of plastic toys and blowmould decorations, which are only very distant cousins of Tarheel and as such of less interest.] 

Contributions of more Tarheel welcomed, there must be more!

Tarheel Industries
of Tarboro, NC, USA

Supersonic Jet SST
Pan Am American SST Jet Battery Operated Boxed Toy Super Sonic Transport

Made by Tarheel industries from Hong Kong. About 12.5" long. Plane looks very good and works. Lights up and runs. Box has been taped and has water stains. Made of plastic and has all of its decals.
[Ebay Sept 2010. Thanks to Arto for the model number]

Rescue Helicopter (boxed w/ T with Kids logo) - note the red star sticker.
Possible Blue Version Penneys 1968 Wards Catalogue.

Below - the Durham version from 1976
Super Copter
Tarheel T with Kids logo
More pictures here.
Montgomery Ward Catalogue 1970 entry

*See Talking Rabbit Hunt set further down.


Animated Circus Train

Project SWORD Dart Gun and Target Game [pic: Darth]


Task Force No. 2  and 3 (carded w/ T with kids logo) [Arto]

Unknown number* - Red Task Force No. 1 below - says "Made in Hong Kong" on base - card/box unknown.
Pic: Astronit 
* number likely to be 5917 like TF2 Ed.

Pictured below, the blue metallic version of the above.


- Nova Rockets I,II and III (window boxed w/ T with Kids logo)


- Probe Force No. 1 (boxed w/ T globe logo)**

- Probe Force No. 2 (boxed w/ T globe logo)

- Probe Force No. 3 (boxed w/ T globe logo)
picture and number credit - Graeme Walker

Spectrum Patrol Car

- Moon Ranger (boxed w/ T globe logo)

- Moon Bus (boxed with T globe logo)

Moon Prospector 
Note the two different Tarheel box logo styles and the removal of Project SWORD name on the bottom box.

Space Glider

Note the two different Tarheel box logo styles and the removal of Project SWORD name on the bottom box.


"Big Boy Cars",

"Tarheel Industries, Inc.", "Made in Hong Kong" embossed in the plastic.
( w/ T with Kids logo)

Above - Boxed Big Boy 'Super Wheels' LAMBORGHINI MIURA 1/24
The bottom of the car has a large 'T" and above it the words "big boy".
It also says "Tarheel Industries" Made in Hong Kong.
One side of the box says "distributed by super toys inc.
Detriot Michigan and "no. 0809" [courtesy of deziner8 Ebay US and thanks to Arto]

Related to Tarheel? Durham Big Boys Construction Trucks USA
in a very Tarheel like box with the typical 'Friction Motor' star label on the front


Unknown numbers 
- Astroids (boxed in plastic window cases)
 "T" with Kids "MADE IN JAPAN" logo


Unknown number 
- Apollo 2000 Robot (boxed w/ T with Kids logo)



[Ebay Summer 2010]

Above: Durham version. Made in Japan.

Johnny Tarheel of Japan

Unknown number 
- Tarheel Children's Sewing Machine Made in Japan


Seen on Ebay US January 2010, The Tarheel Talking Rabbit Hunt - model number in the 2nd picture - top left corner - is unreadable. Is is 3662, which would be the earliest on the checklist or 5662, which would place it below the Rescue Helicopter, which is first on the list. 

More pictures of this set here including original Tarheel factory quality slip, the first Tarheel paperwork I've ever seen. It's realtive is the Empire paperwork posted here.


"Johnny Tarheel" Tommy Gun by Empire

Some pictures previously seen on the blog and all are courtesy of Darth, Arto, Greame, Astronit Woodsy and Ebay