Saturday, 19 November 2016

is this the ugliest space toy in history?

Just as there are beautiful space toys there are also ugly ones and this has to be one of the ugliest!

A complete hash of a thing, its the Space Search B2 [or 82?] by Chinese outfit Hong Da.

I see this chimera every now and then online and more often than not its described in glowing terms like Super Super Rare. Super Super is OK but I can think of other words to replace Rare!

I even saw it linked to the film Fantastic Voyage!

What exactly have they mashed up to create this thing readers?

Do you think its ugly?

Any other ugly toys you know of?



Kevin's comment about Proteus has encouraged me to take a second look at this toy!

It does indeed look like the ship from Lost in Space [does it?]

But is the ship pictured below the Proteus from Fantastic Voyage?

and below Proteus, the ship from Fantastic Voyage!

Whats the connection between these two craft readers? Anyone know?


Postscript 2

Further browsing of auction sites has revealed more Proteus lookalikes!

Seaview sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea [this is the Remco version]

Ovni TH003 by Madel of Spain

Ovni ZE 001 by Madel of Spain

Astronave M7X for Madelman figures by Madel of Spain [thanks Bill]


  1. sorry, but my vote for ugliest goes to that ill-conceived Japanese whale space ship - yeccch :-)

    1. ha ha! I know the one Ed! Yep, its a dog for sure!

  2. I actually like it! There are elements of the Proteus about it.

    1. Oh no! Yes, the Proteus, I see what you mean Kev! Totally. Its a Proteus knockoff! I've looked up Fantastic Voyage and its the same as the Proteus too. Did they use the same model on Fantastic Voyage and Lost in Space?

  3. I don't think so. I did see a Lost In Space vehicle in Land of the Giants recently!

    1. Which vehicle was that Kev?

    2. I think it was called the space pod? Two of spindrift's crew use it and end up on Earth in the old west!

  4. I like its basic form. It's the markings on it that put me off. I'd like to see it with a nice repaint and some better decals.

    1. U can;t decide if its B2 or 82 Knobgobbler. I suppose Space Search refers to the Fantastic Voyage origin of the toy maybe?

  5. the front half is based on a Madelman Space cruiser:

    1. Will it be the other way round, that the Madelman Astronave ship is based on the Proteus from Fantastic Voyage?

  6. I was going to say that the tenuous link between Lost in Space's ship and Fantastic Voyage's Proteus was designer William J Creber (yes I know 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Harper Goff designed the Proteus!) who was a 20th Century Fox designer... However after a lot of Googling I found he didn't work on Fantastic Voyage (although that amazing ship from Planet of the Apes is his...
    However, I did find him making a comment about the proteus which is well worth reading as it puts to bed the rumour about the Proteus being painted red as a Rescue sub for The Poseidon Adventure....

    Read it here...

    1. Fascinating about the possible Poseidon Adventure connection Lewis, even though it was disputed! I'm still confused about the ship in Lost in Space. I can't find anything in that show that looks like the Proteus, hence my question mark now in the article above. Was there a ship like that in Lost in Space? Having reappraised this Chinese toy I'm starting to think its the only Proteus toy around, except for any models. I see some X-Wing wings at the back of it too! I just can't place the huge pope exhausts at the back! Are they from something else?

    2. The Lost in Space Jupiter II had three square angled viewports and a small clear hemisphere on top, but that's about as far as the connection goes. The wings and rockets on this toy look like a mangled Star wars X-Wing design, but the parts aren't copied directly -perchance to try and avoid copyright violation?

      Incidentally, I LOVE the Proteus design, when I saw the movie on first release at the Richmond Odeon, I was inspired to make my own model out of a tissue box.
      -It was kinda squarish, but!

    3. You made any other spaceships in your prop making career Lewis?

  7. It's not as ugly as the Airfix offering and not as silly as Space Ship Yamamoto, so I think . . . leave it alone - Bully!

    H :-)

    1. You've heard of kitbashing Hugh, this is toybashing! ha ha. As it turns out this toy has proven to be more than it first appears. I wonder how kids could recreate those stringy antibodies from the Fantastic Voyage movie?
