Wednesday, 30 November 2016

project sword badge from the factory?

Earlier this year I acquired the SWORD badge on the right. It was an Ebay win and in pristine shape.

The badge was unusual as it had no chroming whatsoever on it. A normal badge would have all the words and relief chromed. This one was completely blank.

I had wondered of it might have been a pre-chroming sample from the factory.

This Autumn I won an another badge, the one on the left. It too was short of chrome but critically it did have some on it. Unlike the one on the right this was a well-used badge with a rusty pin.

This proved to me that the chrome on these badges could come off completely through normal usage and I no longer consider the badge on the right to be a factory sample. Its just a very clean silverless one.

What do you think readers? 

Have you any SWORD badges without silver chroming?

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