Sunday, 31 May 2015

Shadows of the Empire

Its rare that I post anything Star Wars related, but the brief multi format presentation of Shadows of the Empire, a canonical episode which took place between Empire and Jedi, brought up some wonderful designs. Criminal overlord of the Black Sun, Prince Xizor flew a special ship, the Virago and Galoobs Action Fleet line produced a fabulous model of it.


The S.W.O.R.D in Project S.W.O.R.D stands for Space World Organisation for Research and Development.

Despite the red SWORD arrow emblem appearing, the explanation of the acronym didn't make it onto the American SWORD series by Tarheel oddly enough.

Tarheel merged/ morphed/ moved aside for Empire Toys. How do I know? I wrote to Tarheel in 1997 and got a reply from Empire! [now called General Foam and Plastics]

Empire Toys made big wheeled trikes, go karts and bikes. They also made the SPACE WORLD Ray Gun!

Coincidence! Probably but its a nice one for us SWORDies. There can't be many toys with Space World written on the card or box. 

That robot young Chuck Bodgers is blasting could be one of the Tarheel Astroids toys. Love the space jet in the background too. What do you think readers?


This article from a 1965 Look & Learn magazine shows some interesting photos of some behind the scenes shots at  the A.P.Film studio in Slough.

The article deals principally with the unique  lip- sync technique, and technical issues about the shows.

I love this shot which shows the team at work. Note, what appears to be a model road or landing strip just next to the puppet set.

This shot looks like puppeteer and sculptor, John Blundall  putting the finishing touches to a puppet head.

A shot of the A.P.Films workshop.

The miniature prop store.

There's mention of Supercar, Fireball XL5 and Stingray, although the behind the scenes shots appear to come from  A.P.Films new series, Thunderbirds, which is hinted at in the article.

Oddly, there's no mention of Gerry Anderson, or indeed any of the staff, although the puppet characters do get a name check.  

The same issue also featured this article on a proposed prototype Subplane which wouldn't have looked out of place in those early A.P.Film productions.


First there was Tarantula 1955

Then there was Earth Vs the Spider 1958

Now there's Sarge!

Part 2 coming Soon on the radio in June!


I recently saw these old toys by Multiple Toymakers and noticed the printed frame marks on the packaging. These marks give the actual toy blister area a raised beveled look.

It reminds of the similar bevel effect on the packaging of Apollo Moon Exploring by Imperial Toy Corp, which we know is in part a ripoff of Multiple's Golden Astronaut line.

Could this be another example of how Imperial knocked-off Multiple Toymakers' Golden Astronaut toys do you think readers?

Saturday, 30 May 2015


Now that the Batman Automobilia models collection has built up,here's a photo I took showing the set of Eaglemoss Batman TV series vehicles, the Batcopter, Batbike, Batboat, Batgirl's Batcycle and of course the famous Batmobile, shown here in two different display cases.

As there's a few to go at I'll look at each one in closer detail in some following posts


I had to chuckle when I saw this beach piccy online. I was looking up the meaning of flotsam and jetsam and came to it. I wanted to describe my flea market finds this month as such,  flotsam or jetsam, which included a JR21 Thunderbird 2 Land Rover. 

Lo and behold, in the picture to the left is what at first glance looked like a Thunderbird 2 pod! ha ha! On closer inspection its just a plastic canister. Drat! [but is it flotsam or jetsam? hmmmm]

Space Rescue

Two of my Spacex II series toys which have languished in the doldrums for some time made spectacular reappearances today. The Astronomical Telescope Satellite and the Lunar Orbiter had both suffered from the ravages of time and space, the ATS having been almost rebuilt and the Lunar Orbiter having lost an antenna and been subjected to rough weather in transit. The ATS, which in my opinion is the weakest of the second series toys, largely because when I bought it back in 1973, it didn't come as a surprise, as it was a well established NASA design. The other problem was the extreme fragility of the toy, its feathery solar panels lasted maybe a week. The
Orbiter, which I bought carded, on ebay years ago, was posted in a used jiffy bag, which when it arrived torn and crushed, had lost irs secondary antenna and looked as if it had been sat on. Consequently, these two have been overshadowed by more complete toys until last week when the talented Mr Paul Vreede sent me a wonderful parcel containing a new antenna and a brand new pair of solar panels. Needless to say, I was over the moon and set to with photographing my newly restored toys.


As ITV are reshowing the Thunderbirds are Go episode, Tunnels of Time this morning, which was shown last Sunday, and has already been briefly  covered on the blog, here are some teaser pictures from next weeks episode, Skyhook.

Friday, 29 May 2015


I'm still collecting the Batman vehicles in the Eaglemoss Batman Automobilia collection, and to be fair there are quite few intriguing models among them.

But, while there are a good few recognizable examples, there are many more which don't register with me at all.

The latest edition is a sporty looking coupe from Batman Odyssey # 1 , a mini series written by Neal Adams which sadly passed me by. It sounds like a great story, featuring Bruce Wayne being interviewed by Clarke Kent .

Unfortunately, there's so much Batman spin off stories, that it's hard to keep up.

The latest Batman meets Superman film will reveal yet another variation of Batmobile, and that example is due to  make a guest appearance in yet another spin off, the forthcoming, Suicide Squad.

The Eaglemoss  Batman vehicle collection is supposed to finish at issue 80, but right now I have my doubts.

Holy obsessive collector, Batman!


A long time ago, in a dark alley on fleabay, I came across the offer pîctured above: a clear manifestation of the madness every young boy seems to go through (yours truly not excepted!) by trying to improve some old toys, usually with a heavy-handed paintbrush. In this case, a number of vehicles had been updated with various items of heavy-calibre ordnance from model kits as well. But the Apollo Tracker at top-right looked relatively unharmed, so a price was paid that was quite commensurate with its condition.

Upon arrival, the two poor Surveyors were confirmed to be quite beyond salvation. The Cricket was equally ruined in having had its launcher extended by somebody who applied polystyrene cement even thicker than the paint. But happily, the Tracker had indeed been spared any Frankensteinian surgery; it was merely covered in a thick crust of Humbrol.

So without much decorum, the whole thing was dunked into a jar of brake fluid and left overnight. This is medicine fit for a horse, and successfully got the paint off. As well as the original chrome plating (which after all is paint as well). And the printing on the sole surviving name sticker. Worst of all was the transparent dome, which had turned opaque white almost entirely and eventually cracked. The other plastic looked a bit whitish as well in places, where I initially thought the brake fluid might even have leeched out some of the colour. Thankfully however, it turned out to be mere residue from the paint and brake fluid.

The Tracker then stayed like that for a long time, while I tried to find a way of getting the chrome finish replaced. Which eventually was handed to me by my good neighbour across the road, who builds large airplane model kits at an industrial rate and to museum quality. He showed me a P-51 he'd just finished, done in late-war bare-metal finish. Which was most splendidly reproduced on his model, far removed from the dull silver that Humbrol does. Here was the stuff I needed, and thankfully it's available in a nearby town. (For those interested, see )

Things now progressed by leaps and bounds. The whitish residue proved rather resilient, but a lucky combination of automotive cockpit cleaner and lots of elbow grease made almost all of it disappear. Some good photographs by Bill Bulloch confirmed that colours were as they should be, and that any fears of bleaching were definitelty unfounded. Next, the chrome parts received a couple of coats of the wonderful alclad and shine like new. 

The hubcaps couldn't be removed so the wheels were masked with Maskol. The metal axles and weight (fitted inside the chassis) were cleaned with steel wool. The driver was glued black in place and a wrecked Cricket provided a replacement dome. When refitting the wheels a bit of chrome on the edges of the hubcaps was rubbed off, but this looks quite like the wear on the original plating so will probably stay like that.

Final item were the name stickers, and here Mike Burrows came to the rescue with good detailed photographs of the ones on his Tracker. A bit of photoshopping turned these into black & white artwork of the right size, which was then output onto adhesive transparent stock, trimmed to size and put in place. The end result is below, one Apollo Tracker looking like it should!


Some of the booty netted this half term holiday at boot sales and on the net. All interesting in one way or another. The old Dutch Prins Valiant comic is opened at the start of a Zero X strip.

Bill built a Thunderbird 7/ Project SWORD Beetle by Imai, which had been lying around for ages. It looks neat on an empty LP Moon Explorer box he kindly donated. Like many Imai models this one has a battery-operated remote control for forward and reverse motion.

Blue dog is just about to stretch and yawn its all so exciting!

The opened Thunderbird 7/ Beetle reveals a pull-back spring missile firing chute. One of the missiles is a small copy of the Project SWORD Booster Rocket. The model's labels have yet to go on.

Mint Imperials! Some more bagged LP cake toppers

A lovely Major Matt Mason cake decoration in its original shop bag...

..... which when turned over reveals a super cool SWORD Apollo Saturn cake decoration, based on the Sears version [more on this to come]. This is the icing on the cake!

A US flag cake decoration

A JR21 Land Rover sans windscreen

On the base it simply says Made in Hong Kong [do you have a different colour to this red readers?]

A Kidco Turbo Firebird from 1980 - the key is missing [how did they work?]

and two pirate action figures which remain a mystery if anyone can help me identify them?