Saturday, 30 May 2015


I had to chuckle when I saw this beach piccy online. I was looking up the meaning of flotsam and jetsam and came to it. I wanted to describe my flea market finds this month as such,  flotsam or jetsam, which included a JR21 Thunderbird 2 Land Rover. 

Lo and behold, in the picture to the left is what at first glance looked like a Thunderbird 2 pod! ha ha! On closer inspection its just a plastic canister. Drat! [but is it flotsam or jetsam? hmmmm]


  1. Technically, its neither. Just detritus. Flotsam is ships cargo or equipment which is washed up on the waves, Jetsam is something jettisoned from a stricken vessel to lighten the load at a time of distress. I always thought it referred to living or organic matter too.

  2. Ah! Thanks Bill. I wonder if the rubbish jettisoned from space ships is called Jetsam too. No flotsam in space.
