Friday, 29 May 2015


I'm still collecting the Batman vehicles in the Eaglemoss Batman Automobilia collection, and to be fair there are quite few intriguing models among them.

But, while there are a good few recognizable examples, there are many more which don't register with me at all.

The latest edition is a sporty looking coupe from Batman Odyssey # 1 , a mini series written by Neal Adams which sadly passed me by. It sounds like a great story, featuring Bruce Wayne being interviewed by Clarke Kent .

Unfortunately, there's so much Batman spin off stories, that it's hard to keep up.

The latest Batman meets Superman film will reveal yet another variation of Batmobile, and that example is due to  make a guest appearance in yet another spin off, the forthcoming, Suicide Squad.

The Eaglemoss  Batman vehicle collection is supposed to finish at issue 80, but right now I have my doubts.

Holy obsessive collector, Batman!


  1. Batman: Odyssey was a very divisive comic series, in that I liked it and virtually no one else did. Part of the problem being that it was not a traditional or classic style Batman story...and having been written and drawn by someone considered to be THE traditional Batman artist, readers were expecting a definitive, quintessential, archetypal Batman story. Instead they got a very strange tale in which Batman visits a subterranean world (the "Hollow Earth" concept) and gets involved in a conflict involving many of his classic foes as well as underground-dwelling proto-humans and dinosaurs. People did not expect to see Batman among pterodactyls and giant prehistoric bats...!

    To me, it seemed like a response to comics these days trying to be exactly like movies and tv shows, with lots of characters standing around and talking. Here a classic comics creator was saying "But comics can do anything, they can be as wild and insane as you like!"

    I thought it was daft and bizarre and confusing as all heck, and I enjoyed it. But as I say, that's a minority view and it won't be showing up on any list of Batman classics...

    1. Wow! Thanks for the Batman Odyssey rundown, Richard. Strangly enough it does sound quite an intriguing read, if a little odd.
      I suppose with Batman having such a long history, writers sometimes feel the urge to break out and do for something different. I enjoyed Gotham by Gaslight which, as you probably know was set in a Victorian age with Sherlock Holmes overtones. It was a nice idea but I wouldn't want Batman to stay in that setting.

  2. That's some real nice stuff Scoop! So, do you think Eaglemoss will end the line before issue 80 or will they extend the line further out? My collecting has slowed down a great deal - good to see you're able to acquire some cool stuff!

    1. I'm still enjoying the Batman Automobile collection Ed, and I'll showcase a few more examples if like.
      I suspect that Eaglemoss will go beyond the original 80 issues, as there seems to be no end of vehicles. The special release for subscribers this month is one from the Batman video games which, again doesn't mean too much to me, and next month's general release is a Joker helicopter complete with moulded Joker head on the front. I expect the Batmobile from the Batman /Superman will be in the mix too. But, being the daft collector I am I'll probably stick with them!

  3. I love that Robin bike Scoop. Very sleek and quite retro. Reminds me a bit of the black die-cast Batman bike I had in the Sixties [Corgi?]. One of my favourite Batmobiles is the pointy one from the 1980's Kenner Super Powers toy line
    But I doubt Eaglemoss will copy other toys. I used to collect their DC Super Heroes in the 2000's. I think I got to around 40 and stopped. That line went on and on and on! Still got them all in their boxes! Hope you carry on, its an ace series those Batman vehicles. Kapow!

  4. I will probably collect them to the end, Woodsy.

    As the Adam West Batman movie is on the Horror Channel today (in the UK) I think I might do some photos of the vehicles featured in that.

    Holy photobomb!
