Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Race Into Space Picture Cards

The Race into Space Album of cards I had as a kid always make me think of SpaceX toys. Here are a few of my favourites.
race into space 22-23
Lunar Orbiter
race into space 48-49
Moon Base
race into space 30-32

What gum, tea and cigarette cards did you have as a kid? Civil War News? Battle? Mars Attacks? any other space cards?


  1. I still have this album, with all of the cards too; even as a child I thought the illustrations were absolutely beautiful.

    I did try and collect the colour Thunderbirds cards, but I guess as a family we went through more tea than bubblegum!

  2. Back in 1976, I went through an absolute craze for the Dutch Space: 1999 Cosmo bubble gum cards. Took all my money to a neighbourhood kiosque which sold them, and did a lot of chewing trying to complete a black-and-white lunar landscape that was formed by the backsides of the 64 cards, like a puzzle.

    Despite all the effort (and heroic chewing) the project never saw completion - until in 2002 when I found a stack of loose cards that miraculously had all the missing pieces. Seeing the lunar landscape finally completed led to another craze, but that's another Swordy story. ...


  3. I have this album and cards and also have a set of the cards mounted and framed. As a kid, I also remember collecting the Anglo UFO cards. I have a set of those still, they are brilliant.

  4. We have the whole set of RIS cards here:

    I loved the Outer Limits and still have a set of Stingray sweet cigarette cards somewhere..

  5. arto - Kev - we're intruiged - can you show us ?
