Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Gods and Rockets

 Back in the early seventies, it was a regular summer excursion with the family to a sunny place that I looked forward to. It wasn't so much the sun and sand I relished, but the little shops near the beaches. Usually, the favourite haunt was Wales, but later we got as far as Devon. Sometime about 1972, we stayed for a week in Dawlish, just a stretch from Torquay and commuted about by beachside railway to the neighbouring towns. Teignmouth and Paignton were quite memorable, as they had more than their share of shops and I was delighted to find many cool space toys. One large store had my first (and only) glimpse of the Sword Saturn rocket standing proud in the window and across from it was a small gift shop. In an effort to distract me from the rather expensive rocket in the window, my dad found me a small bagged space explorer set, chock full of plastic spacemen.
 As it turned out, it was quite a good set too as besides having a load of silver and bronze 'Giant' brand spacemen and a small Matt Mason Space Crawler as was found in the Apollo Moon Exploring sets, it had a mini version of one of the rockets from the Topper Cape Canaveral set. The 'Titan' rocket is a bit of a weird one as it has a pink ball shaped thing on the top, probably a safety device employed by Topper before the rubber caps were added to the rockets.  The miniature version stands about 15 cm high and is complete in almost all details, apart from four tiny vents near the nose on the original.
The full bagged set appeared on ebay recently, but I missed out. A few days later a loose rocket with a different paper collar and a team of Giant style spacemen popped up and I got lucky. When I was a kid and first got the Topper Cape Canaveral set, I was impressed by the way all the rockets had decals with mythological gods names such as Jupiter, Thor and Atlas. My original Topper set had the rocket with the ball on in white and it was named 'Thor'. But either way, i'm glad to add it back to my collection again.
My original version, sans ball disappeared in a trade to a collector in the states when I first discovered the joys of the internet, but prior to that it featured in a set of hasty photographs I sent to Woodstock over ten years ago, after I discovered his Project Sword Checklist online! The photo also shows the mini version of the Topper Rocket Transporter (13), the remains of the Hover Lunar Rover (7) and the elusive Apollo Moon Exploring Space Station (21). These now sit high on my list of items to be replaced in the Wotan Archive!


Whilst enjoying some RnR at Mars Base the other weekend I had chance to examine Wote's miniatures [steady!] - his miniature SWORD vehicles from Japan pictured above [note the two colour variations, green and grey, of Task Force 3]. Each vehicle is numbered with the highest, if memory serves me correctly, being 14. That could mean that there are 14 + toys in this line, which fits the actual C21 range, of which there were 19. Both Wote and me thought we could see a very faint logo but it's so small it's impossible to read even with a magnifying glass. So the mystery continues.
But as with any mystery it's OK to speculate. What would the missing miniatures look like? I saw a contender for probe Force 2 amongst some plastic party favours on fleabay, which are pictured left. I've circled the one I mean. Similarly I found a Scout 3 doppelganger amongst some Star Wars gaming pieces on fleabay too, pictured right bottom and also circled.

Interestingly our friends at Multiple Toymakers issued a bag of Famous Planes of the World, which included an X-15 X-plane [circled], cousin of the X-20 Dyna Soar. Did Multiple also make an X-20 like the brown one Wote has pictured top right?

If only we could find a bag of those Japanese miniatures! One day!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Nearly March Caption Comp

What's this chappie with his Dyna Soar model thinking then Swordies?

[pic: NASA 1961 Langley]

PODCAST: JR21 TB2, MOLE and Box Art by Mike B

Hello Woodsy, I recently acquired a JR21 Thunderbird 2 in relatively reasonable condition considering it’s well over 40 odd years old. It’s a ‘Made in England’ version of the toy featuring 'The Mole’ as opposed to the rather disappointing Land Rover toy that came with the earlier version. Just like it’s TV counterpart the toy looks good from any angle in spite of the friction drive and the fold back legs.

Now, a couple of things do strike me about this toy. One is how many have survived relatively intact after all these years considering how fragile they are, and the other thing is The Mole that comes with it.

On close examination, apart from ‘MOLE’ written across the top, it bears only a passing resemblance to the I.R. vehicle. There are no markings underneath. The toy looks more like a futuristic tank design with a ray gun type turret.

I wonder if this too is a generic toy from an earlier age, maybe even from a set of early futuristic toys, that was acquired to replace the Land Rover when the production shifted from Hong Kong to England.

What do you think?
As I say, mine is a Made in England version with all its associated alterations, although it does carry the same design no 916622 as the Hong Kong version along with HPM in a circle stamped on the rear friction drive cover as opposed to the JR mark and ‘NO 2’ found under the front of the earlier one.
As to the box art, I’ve attached a scan of the Dinky box and the JR21 for comparison . The stance of the Thunderbird is exactly the same on both pictures and there are similarities in lettering and style, but to be honest I really don’t think they are the same artist. As a point of interest the Dinky artist misses out one of the rear engine exhausts which leads me to think that both artists traced from the same photograph and Peter Archer [possible artist] just didn’t pick that up. I would also assume that the traced photo would have shown the pod up which to my mind would explain why the Dinky Thunderbird pod looks added on. I would imagine the picture of TB 2 during the Thunderbirds titles is probably what was used.

As to JR21 re-using existing toys, I’m like you. I’ve never come across the originals which presumably would have appeared in the fifties.
Mike B

Monday, 27 February 2012

Space Trump Ships

SS Heart of Gold
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Powered by Infinite Improbability Drive which defies all laws of time and space
....and is full of loonies.

from Cloudcaptain

out-trump that!

Booker Rocket

A regular daily stop off every day for me is John Sissons awesome site, Dreams of Space. Always a source of entertainment and inspiration, Johns seemingly endless procession of space books fascinates me. Not for the first time, a book has appeared that reflects Project Sword and this beautiful japanese board book has a lavish painting of a Booster Rocket like vehicle. Other paintings shown on Johns site show a wonderful piggy-back shuttle and the Booster unloading cargo at a wheel type space station. Part 2 is scheduled to cover the moonbase! Cant wait!

Andy B's Trigan Empire

One of the influential comic stories when I was growing up at the close of the 60s was "The Trigan Empire" in Ranger comic, later continued in Look and Learn. The stories varied in quality, but I think the opening frames (by Don Lawrence) with the crashing space ship (enclosed) are one of the best openings I have seen.

NB: the early Trigan Empire strips were reprinted as a Look and Learn book, later reissued by Hamlyn. Some of the later stories were published by Hawk Books. I believe there is a more recent (but very pricey) reprint published in Holland.

All the best,
Andy B

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Space Creature Trump!

 Right to start the space creature trump rolling, heres the Mighty Wotan - Loved by women, feared by men, striding across the martian caldera in search of new additions to his vast collection of space treasures, possesed of mighty baccanalian appetites, he appears in many guises and forms, each more awesome than the last. No shall stand in his way as he marches sullen eyed, ipod in hand, an artist, a mystic, a reaver, and ebayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth to tread the jewelled thrones of Earth beneath his disc shaped feet!  Look upon his works ye mighty and despair!
Aaahhh - Andy B has challenged the Mighty Wotan!

The Lost in Space Robot.
Features include
*ability to say "warning, danger!"
*can be reprogrammed to destroy own space ship
*electrical discharge from claws (not always effective against aliens)
*increasingly corny dialogue in later episodes
* available as a clockwork toy...

Space Trump


Full of Space Vampires
Able to plunder, collect and store the life force of entire planets

from reader Dark Star

Out-trump that!


Well Swordies and SpaceXers, this nice boxed Spacex Moon Base HQ is currently up for sale. Reader Luke Toywalker got in touch to let us know. A specialist in 1980's action figures based in Berlin, Luke would like to hear from readers who might be interested in this 1960's classic. For a more detailed discussion please contact Luke Toywalker direct here.


You might want to post this...comes via Mercator if you want to shout him, but shout me too please! All we know is it is believed to be Australian? Perhaps the assembled followers of the Moonbase can shed some light on it?
Maverick Collecting

Space Trump

USS Cygnus [Black Hole movie 1979]

can resist a black hole,
filled with creepy zombie robots
and Ernest Borgnine...

from reader Cloudcaptain

What trumps this then?


Two vintage Zero X toys new to the blog. Once again these were found in the Japanese Thunderbirds Museum. How many more are out there?

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Somethin's Goin' On At Moonbase

Whilst searching the net for new SWORD and SPACEX titbits I like to blow the dark matter from my helmet with some 'eavy rock! A life-long fan of Status Quo, by far my fave LP of thiers is Dog of Two Head from 1971, which I'm currently de-cobwebbing Moonbase with. Of this uniformly brilliant album of bluesy guitar axemeisters, the best rockin' riff, perhaps the best in Rock, is the mighty Somethin's Goin' On in My Head, a tad tuneful I'll hope you agree. Hav' a listen in the booth up top [d'ya remember record booths in record shops?]. I challenge you to find a better riff!

Screen and Screen Again

As it was Half Term last week I had a bit of a TV and Film Fest at Moonbase. It kicked off with a modern Viking flick called Valhalla Rising starring a mute one-eyed Mads Mikkelson [Le Chiffe in recent 007 movies]. A strange film. Very atmospheric and gorgeous scenery, which, along with last week's brilliant Outlander, has inspired me to rent more Viking fare with one Berserker next on the list. Similarly Scandinavian but not Viking is Trollhunter, which can be viewed pay per view on You Tube no less. I shall save that one for when I'm back at work next week and, like most people, in need of total mental relaxation at night!

The second genre I've dabbled into this week has been a slew of old space TV shows. This particular voyage of discovery commenced when a friend sent me two episodes of Star Maidens on VHS. More strange fare with a very distinct premise. Rather than spoil it for you I recommend that you sample it on You Tube for yourself! Of equal interest was Salvage 1 recommended by Toad, which concerns a lunar salvage crew replete with spaceships and vehicles worthy of SWORD and well worth a tracking down! Next on the list will be the Martian Chronicles!

What would you recommend, either Viking or Space?

Friday, 24 February 2012

Space Trump Game: Spaceships

Some time ago WOTE began a classic series of posts showing his designs for a  Top Trump SWORD game. Inspired by his cosmic spark I'm kicking off a simple game of Space Trump. All you need to do is trump the current post.
To do this you need to send me a picture and explanation why it out-trumps the current post. We'll agree or disagree in the comments. We will have two space genres, spaceships [from films, TV. toy ranges, comics etc] and space creatures [from similar media as spaceships]. Don't know how this will go yet but I'll start the ball rolling with the spaceships genre and post the first ship, the
Gravity Drive that can make Black Holes.
Direct link to Hell and it's occupants.
Interstellar starship
My suggested overall Score Out of 10: a 9 [agree?]

Email me your pics and powers lists to out trump this ship. I also need a space creature to start that genre going. Email me here. Please comment on my list of suggested powers and score for the Event Horizon too. Get trumping!

Riders On the Cheap

Like many baby boomers and space race babies I've been a fan of comics and comic heroes all my life. In particular I always loved those characters who dwelled in that grey area between good and evil. Were they hero or villain? A rogues' gallery would include Morbius, Silver Surfer, Swamp Thing, Werewolf By Night, Man Thing and Moon Knight. But the king of them all was Ghost Rider, he of the flaming skull and hell-fire bike.
Ghost first appeared in the 70's but very few toys came out. The most well-known amongst collectors is the Fleetwood plastic action figure pictured below, which I was lucky enough to get hold of a few years back.
Ghost Rider had a welcome come-back with Nicholas Cage's first film a couple of years ago, which I thoroughly enjoyed. So you can imagine how excited I was last night when I went to see the second Rider film, Spirit of Vengeance. I needn't have been. It was absolutely awful!

[This next bit contains Spoilers!] What's wrong with it? Were can I start! Doesn't really matter so I'll kick off with Nic Cage's acting. Well it's really the lack of it that's the issue. He's as wooden as a milk-stool and he desperately needs his thinning hair styling. He's meagre dialogue is seemingly dragged out of him by an outside force to reveal itself in a tedious drawl. It matters not as no-one else around him could act either as they'd all been rounded up from a Budapest boxing club. Which segways neatly to location. Ghost Rider is an all-American flaming skull, with his comic roots in the Wild Western past. This new film is set in Eastern Europe!

This fact alone explains many of the film's myriad flaws as the Rider should not be there. Made by a largely Eastern European team, the already paltry budget I suspect was largely blown on the Rider's flaming head, bike and chains, leaving precious little for set design. Located in a quarry, the colour scheme is that God-awful silvery-browny mess seen in countless straight-to-DVD-B-Movies, which occasionally cut to vaseline-smeared shots of zero budget big holes and piles of spoil. Even the main event of the film, a blazing Mining machine, is a big yellow mess. Comparing this shameful Marvel effort to say the recent Iron Man movie is like comparing a fag end with a solar flare. I can't believe that Stan Lee put his name to this garbage. Jonny Blaze should have ridden straight over it to DVD hell.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dark Marauder

Not so long ago, we were looking at Dinkys forays into the space market with its dedicated series of space vehicles which didn't benefit from a TV series to rely on. One of the ships was the Zygon Marauder, a heavy dieacast craft with firing missiles on the wings. A fellow collector, Adi recently found a rare later variant of the ship in blue and yellow. Apparently, according to Toy Collector, this was a special Marks and Sparks release in 1979. Its in need of a little restoration, but a fine find nonetheless!

SWORD Spares for Sale

The owner of these SWORD spares has let me know that they for sale in Canada. If you are interested please check his classified ad here. Please deal with the seller direct. First come first serve.

Quite Elevating

Further to Wotan's Fireflash post, attached are a few pics of my Fireflash items which may be of interest. First is the contents of the Aoshima kit which, like far too many of my kits, is sitting in the "to be built one day/year" pile. Then I have some photos of the Konami Fireflash with its attendant Elevator Cars. I've included a pic with my giant finger in shot with the Master Elevator Car, just to give an idea of how small it is!!!

P.S. - I like the way the Konami Elevator Cars are numbered 1, 2 and 4, representing the "team" that brought the Fireflash in safely. Number 3 was, of course, the one that careered off the runway and exploded amongst the parked aeroplanes off to the side. As you probably know, the wayward Number 3 was an unintended accident that occurred during shooting but it looked so good that the producers kept the shot in and wrote in the Number 4 replacement!!!!

For completeness, here's Konami's larger scale Master Elevator car, with the tiny one alongside for comparison. I think Konami also did a mid-scale version to go into their Thunderbird 2 hangar set, but mine's packed away somewhere and not available for photos.
Tony Panther

Battersea Flyby

SWORD Dyna Soar Glider.
Battersea Power Station in London
[made famous by the album Animals, Pink Floyd]

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Crossing Paths

 I make no secret that im a huge Lego fan and regularly follow whats happening in the Building Community. One of my favourite sites is the Brothers Brick which regularly showcases the work of custom builders. Now and then though, the models manage to gather in so many of my favourite concepts that i'm totally blown away. Among this months offerings is a special deep sea research vessel designed to navigate the depths of the seas on Enceladus, one of Saturns icy moons, Herschel-Lazerev Submarine.
Next up, combining my fascination of the Soviet space race and a Molab type vehicle to boot is this nifty retro style rocket diorama.