Friday 24 February 2012

Space Trump Game: Spaceships

Some time ago WOTE began a classic series of posts showing his designs for a  Top Trump SWORD game. Inspired by his cosmic spark I'm kicking off a simple game of Space Trump. All you need to do is trump the current post.
To do this you need to send me a picture and explanation why it out-trumps the current post. We'll agree or disagree in the comments. We will have two space genres, spaceships [from films, TV. toy ranges, comics etc] and space creatures [from similar media as spaceships]. Don't know how this will go yet but I'll start the ball rolling with the spaceships genre and post the first ship, the
Gravity Drive that can make Black Holes.
Direct link to Hell and it's occupants.
Interstellar starship
My suggested overall Score Out of 10: a 9 [agree?]

Email me your pics and powers lists to out trump this ship. I also need a space creature to start that genre going. Email me here. Please comment on my list of suggested powers and score for the Event Horizon too. Get trumping!


  1. The Event Horizon is essentially a dead ship and more or less a haunted house. Your score of 9 is far too high. Maybe a 5 would be better?

  2. Cloudcaptain2/24/2012 11:26 pm

    But it is alive and self aware :) I would say it is followed closely by the USS Cygnus. The Cygnus can resist a black hole and is filled with creepy zombie robots. That and Ernest Borgnine...

  3. Discovery 1 from 2001 a space odyssey. It's the grandaddy of them all. If it wasn't for the Discovery (and other ships from 2001) we wouldn't see the highly detailed Sci Fi craft we see today. So a big hat tip to Stanley Kubrick.

  4. I agree Warren. There's a strong connection between 2001 and SWORD. Photo's from the film appeared in the SWORD annual. At the film's launch on London SWORD toys were displayed at Hackett's Club. The artist behind the famed 2001 Clipper poster, Bob McCall, had his art used for the box art on the SWORD Nuclear Ferry and Cape Kennedy Set. I understand that Gerry A himself was approached by Stanley Kubrick to help with 2001. I think his answer was Thunderbirds!

  5. I think it was Sylvia Anderson and according to what I hear he hung up on her.
    One thing people tend to forget is that it took the rest of the movie industry nearly 10 years to catch up to the model workings seen on 2001

  6. The joint promotion of SWORD toys and 2001 for the launch of the film was seemingly based on the similarities between the spacecraft in the two. Other than the "Moon Bus" appearing in both by name I can't really see the similarities apart from the fcat they were all spaceships. Is the Space Clipper SWORD-like?

  7. No I agree with that but the similarities between G & S Andersons work with Space 1999 and 2001 is at times uncanny even down to the white sterile environments.
