Tuesday, 23 November 2010

New Art by Andy B

Somewhere in Space
by Andy B.


  1. I think the little silver jet was actually biult for deep space missions like this. In SOLO its called the Deep Space Probe I'm pretty sure. Lovely art AB! Maybe I should send you a photo of the toy with it's rear engines lit up red and see what you do with that!

  2. FANTASTIC - thats one thing that artists seldom capture - the ultimate darkness which exists in parts of space. Moody and atmospheric. Love it.

  3. Yep, that's just what I thought when I saw it, Wote! It just looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, far away from everything. Wonderfully atmospheric.

  4. Thanks folks. Glad you liked it, they arer quite fun to do. "Murk" is a great way to make things look more realistic, and can save hours of work!

  5. is 'murk' a feature of Elements then?

  6. It is when I use it
