Thursday, 6 February 2025


 I am in love.

with this Citroën Karin

A concept from 1980, it could be from UFO!

The driver sat between two passengers.

That would be me!

Do you like it?

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Will's Unmarked 007 Secret Agents Car

Hi Woodsy, re big cars, here's a rip-off Bond car that looks more like the Man from Uncle car.
At 14 inches long and battery-operated, it's a bit of a beast!

Will O


I'm currently on a diet with the Missus. It ain't easy and I'm dreaming about food. My favourite foods!

Here are my top ten fave foods - just a small fraction of what I'm dreaming about! Nothing healthy!

  1. Pancakes
  2. Nutella
  3. Prawn puree, in fact any Indian food
  4. Pancakes, crispy bacon and syrup
  5. Hot sugar doughnuts
  6. Beef Olive, Dumplings, braised red cabbage and gravy
  7. Steamed Chinese pork dumplings, in fact any Chinese food
  8. Golden Cup chocolate and virtually any type of milk chocolate
  9. Chocolate covered flapjack
  10. KFC

and I'd love to know which are yours readers!

Ed's McFarlane Toys Car - The Flintstones at The Drive-In


This was a fun piece I added to my Flintstones collection some years back. 

There's a 'button' on the base which was supposed to allow you to raise or lower the car, however, it wasn't designed well and it's easier to just raise the car manually.

Hope you like it!

From Vegas Used Car Lot


I've added two new clickable things on the right side-bar; 

1. a blog archive showing the number of posts year by year [2020 had the most, when we were all locked down!]

2. a Popular Posts listing for last year. 

These compliment the Popular Posts listing for the last 7 days on the left side-bar, as well as the hundreds of labels at the bottom of the blog, which when clicked will take you to every post with that word in the label [early posts aren't labelled, sorry]. 

I've also tick-boxed any blog settings that increases the blogs visibility for search internet engines.

Hope this all helps navigate Moonbase Central a bit easier.

Ed's Antique Marx Tin-litho Jalopy


Here's my Marx tin-litho Jalopy from ca.1927. 

Apparently, cars like this were not unusual back then and Marx made several variations. The car features an early version of a friction motor and does work!

From Vegas Used Autos

Rotamatic Lover!

I picked up this old toy water pistol in Germany. I love its simplicity.

A lovely small toy gun with a rotating red top nozzle.

It has a UK patent number.

I cant quite make out the logo. Here's one bagged I saw on Ebay with the same logo on the header.

We've seen Rot-a-Matic water pistols before on MC:

The more famous Thunderbirds water pistol.

The Rotamatic Special no less!

Its has the same technology as my little blue one.

and they have the same patent number and makers' logo!

Looks like JR21 just bagged up these pistols and put their own header on.

I dont have a Thunderbirds water pistol so I can't say of the JR21/ Century 21 logo is on the pistol or the header anywhere. Can you readers?

There's a green version too. I wonder if this has the same UK patent number on it?

Tuesday, 4 February 2025


I have two Tarzan figures made by Disjorsa. 

I've attached a shot for size comparison with a 54mm Crescent soldier.

I would really love to see Tarzan meet Planet of the Apes. Would he be on their side? or the human side?



A few blog friends and I have noticed that browsing/ googling for Moonbase Central has recently changed.

The direct link to the blog now appears much lower down in the list.

Having checked this morning I would say at least 5 other sites appear first before the blog's proper link appears. All the sites do actually mention Moonbase Central.

I first came across this last week and after clicking on the blog's direct link every day a few times the blog's link rose to the top again after a few days, but its sunk again today.

I don't know why this is happening I'm afraid.

Another oddity seems to be that the blog's direct link is always an old post and not the current one. To get to the current blog post you need to to click on the Moonbase Central masthead at the top to refresh the blog.

I have also heard about issues around leaving comments on the blog. My guess is that different platforms react differently with blogger commenting. Blogger is the provider of the blog space and is owned by Google.

I would be interested to hear from any readers who are having a similar experience locating the blog and/or commenting on it.

Zwei Dinge: Litfass and Die Haard

A little off-piste, a couple of late reflections of our trip to Germany last Autumn.

Borrowed from the web, an old still in black and white, this recalls all the Litfaßsäule [pronounced Lit fass zoiler] I saw on many German street corners.

The tall tubular advertising columns were everywhere and posters and flyers to be seen on all sides. They were invented by Ernst Litfass in 1854.

Personally I think they're really cool and a delightful element in the German street-scene. Some even have secret doors!

Exported to other countries, I don't think they made it here the UK, where fly-posting on walls still prevails.

One famous example is the Litfass column on the 1929 Walter Trier cover art for Erich Kaestner's book Emil and the Detectives.

Another memory of our trip is this picture and map showing the local forest near Recklinghausen. I had to chuckle. 

Die Haard! [pronounced Dee Hard]

It's like a extended version of the film title Die Hard. As in, don't just Die Hard, Die Haard! ha ha. Maybe its just me!

Have you any strange observations from the world around you readers?

Monday, 3 February 2025

Kevin's Doctor Mopp Tinplate Car


Here is my tinplate antique shaking car. 

The same sort of toy was used as Doctor Mopp's.

Mine is the actual toy I had as a kid. I still have its original top-hatted driver but at the moment, my replica Doctor Mopp is driving it!

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.


and Woodsy adds; here's the original in the TV show!