Friday, 7 March 2025

Our 'Lone Star' Tarzan Custom: Painted, Carded and Blistered

Here's our ' home made' version of the fabled Lone Star Tarzan set, the rare original a blog legend now.

From first seeing this set in black and white on a magazine cover nearly twenty years ago to making a custom, it's swung through the jungle and come full circle.

 Diarised here since starting this project, my re-modelled figures look better than I expected all painted up and Bill' terrific backing card really brings the whole thing to life.  

The sushi lunch box blister was the icing on the vines!

Not perfect but a decent go.

Happy days at Moonbase International Toys!

See what you think readers.

For fun, here's the the reference material, an original toy as seen on auction online.


  1. I'm pleased to see that Ron Ely's forehead looks just as dodgy on the original as my interpretation! Is the tribesman figure a custom or an original? Bill

    1. I like Ron's bonce! I've reshaped the tribesman and the runner drastically!

  2. Another amazing restoration of a lost toy - you guys are really a team! SFZ

    1. lots more to come yet Rob!

    2. Thanks SF. Very kind. The new project is live!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/07/2025 5:18 pm

    Another great project, which looks exactly like something you would have seen hanging on a rack, back in the 1960s or 1970s.

    1. Thanks Paul. I always wonder about adding a rack punch hole. Do you think it would be a good addition?

  4. What a lovely result!
    So close to your original inspiration and made at a "blistering" pace!

    1. Ha ha, and thanks a lot. A long-held ambition as well Looey, the Tarzan set.

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/08/2025 3:57 am

    A hole at the top of the card, to hang the toy on a rack, would certainly be in keeping with the period look of the set.
