Friday, 7 March 2025

Operation Lone Star Customs - The Five Toy Swords: 1. Zorro

Propelled by our Tarzan, this is Operation Lone Star Swords!

This Spring Bill and myself aim to re-create Lone Star's three TV toy swords from the 1960's: Zorro, Steed and Adam Adamant.

  We will then attempt two far less well-known TV swords from the company, details of which were kindly supplied by the incredibly helpful John B of Murdersville: Sir Francis Drake and Dick Turpin.

So, that's Five in total. It'll be emotional!

So, with a big Z flourish, here's the first Lone Star sword custom:

Zorro's Sword.

Like all Lone Star's toy swords the toy was simply inserted into the header card. They must have been quite difficult to display in shops.

The sword, which I re-painted black, was provided by an ever-reliable eBay cosplay stockist called RubberPlantation, who supplied all my five swords.

As always, it's the stunning card art that once again properly finishes these home-made productions and this first one's another beautiful backing card from Mister Bill! 

As a final touch I've added the flocked mask that came with the sword and a rubber tip containing white chalk to emulate the original, so budding Zorro's could sign their three-stroke initial on the neighbours wall! 

We hope you like our debut for Operation Lone Star Swords!

For fun, here's an original toy ( showing the lovely patterned hand-guard but missing the chalky tip) along with more lovely Zorro-full stuff on an old auction site.

And as a final 3 flicks of the blade, you can see Zorro's Sword here, bottom left in this Lone Star products page I found online.

Of note is it's neighbour, bottom right: the fabled Lone Star Captain Scarlet Anti- Mysteron Rifle, featured a few times in MC. Rocking horses and poo poo spring to mind! You haven't got one so I won't ask! 

And as if that isn't enough, top centre is our next project: Steed's Sword Stick! 


For completeness, here's a later Lone Star Zorro sword backing card I saw this week on an old auction. I prefer the original design. You?


  1. Lovely job mate! Bill

  2. Ooh! Nice catalogue!
    It suddenly inspired a crazy thought...
    A Captain Scarlet Anti-Mysteron Gun water pistol!

    1. Ah, good one Looey. You're right, I think Lone Star upcycled their Die-cast can gun for the CS rifle.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/08/2025 3:54 am

    Another great looking project, from the fine team of Master Modeller Moonbase Paul, and Graphics Master Bill.

    1. Too kind Paul. Glad you like it. I wonder if it was in New Zealand's toy shops or any of these Lone Star toys?

  4. I think of all the sword wielding shows from TV past, Zorro was my absolute favorite and you done him justice with this latest project Woodsy!

    1. Aw, that's so cool Ed! Zorro was a dashing fella for sure and I remember his signature trio of cuts to create Zs on his enemies' shirts! Ha ha. Ours has a chalk tip for doing the same!

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/08/2025 5:06 pm

    I do not remember any of these toys, but there were some Zorro toys in the shops, including a flintlock pistol. Not sure if there were any swords - probably. I never had any.
    The only Zorro items I had were a Zorro jig-saw puzzle (just about my favourite puzzle ever), and a tube of talcum powder (which has been on Moonbase Central).
    I do not recall the name Lone Star at all from my childhood, and only became aware of it as an adult collector. Now I have a few of their vehicles - got some of those plastic beach buggies with metal bases at the first fair of 2025 only yesterday.

    1. Have you still got that jigsaw Paul? I must repost the talc! And those LS buggies sound superb. I may have found on a couple of years ago too.

  6. Oh, and there's a Lone Star flintlock coming, courtesy of Sir Francis Drake!
