Sunday, 2 March 2025

Drawing Blood: Create and Draw Monsters Electric Set

I would have loved this set as a kid, Create and Draw Monsters. Its a 'complete electric designers set'. I cant read the makers name but the box art is terrific!

I saw this set on auction so saved this snap last year. No doubt part of the Sixties Monster craze, I'm unsure how electric drawing worked. 



  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/02/2025 1:03 am

    The maker is Lakeside Lifetime Toys, and the box has a copyright date of 1964. The electric part of the set is a mains powered lightbox, and you make up a Monster by tracing various monster parts from printed Guide Sheets. Just sent you some more information.

  2. I dont have one of these, but I do have a Mighty Man and Monster Maker kit.It consists of 3 sets of plates; legs, torsos and heads.the plates have raised lines that you trace br dragging a crayon across a piece of paper placed over the plates.The plates are designed so you can mix and match the body parts for a different creature( or hero) each time...make sense?

  3. How cool! Believe it or not, I had Lakesides's "Create and Draw Space" set, similar lightboard but with an outer space theme! Some very cool space designs in there, although it was basically just a tracing set - but good enough for me! SFZ

  4. I certainly would've loved creating my own monsters with this sets, Woodsy. Love the creepy box art as well
