Monday, 10 February 2025

The Tarzan Corgi Gift Set

Further to the recent Tarzan posts, here is a quick look at Corgi Gift Set 36, available 1976-78. One of the most magnificent in Corgi history.

It contained 22 pieces (not sure how that figure was arrived at ?), and came in a large window box. Jungle Land Rover; Animal Trailer with white plastic cage top; "Inflatable" Dinghy on Trailer; Tree House (in brown plastic); Tarzan (two figures, in different poses, both wearing a leopard-skin loincloth), Jane, Boy, and Cheetah figures; White Hunter (seated, driving the Land Rover); Elephant, Lion, Crocodile and Snake; 3 Swinging Vines (green cord); PLUS JUNGLE PANORAMA.

The Land Rover and Animal Trailer were a curious metallic green (metallics were very popular in the 1970s), with sand-yellow zebra stripes. The boat was brown and tan.

There was a large, full-colour diorama fold-out with trees, a river, road, and huge rocks – wow ! The vines could be attached to this, and the Tarzan figure with his arms above his head could slide along the vines.

This set is mentioned in The Great Book of Corgi, which states that 79,000 were sold. I bet they was expensive.

Paul Adams from NZ


  1. Great post Paul and thanks for the research. It is a magnificent set like you say and I would have loved it had I been younger during the years of manufacture. there's so much in there! I had thought Corgi might have recycled some parts from their Daktari Gift Set, especially the Land Rover but it looks like they haven't have they? I like how the chimp has a raised hand to hold onto Tarzan. And just who is that running boy figure? the diorama is stunning and its amazing that all this was in the box!

    1. The boys name is "Boy".

    2. Right. So in this set he's called 'Boy'? Is he representing the character that's called Jai in the TV series do you think?

  2. I did not know that Corgi produced anything that big and complex. An actual play set! How cool that is! SFZ

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/10/2025 8:11 pm

    Thank you. It is a magnificent set. In the 1966-68 TV series with Ron Ely, the young boy adopted by Tarzan was called Jai.
    Corgi did re-use some items from other sets. The Long Wheel Base Land Rover and Animal Trailer were from the 1976 Gift Set 31, but with a different roof. To 1/36th scale, this was larger than the earlier Corgi Land Rovers, which were only 1/45th scale. The lion with raised paw was also from this set.
    The rubber boat was from an earlier Gift Set. Sorry, the White Hunter was for the boat, not the Land Rover as I initially thought.
    The Daktari and Lions of Longleat Gift Sets both used the older, 1/45th scale Land Rover.

    1. Fabulous info Paul, Corgi recycling! Thanks for that and the follow-up info you've sent me! Great!

  4. Wow! I never knew this existed! I remember seeing the Daktari Land Rover in the shops back in the day!

    1. I adored the Daktari set. I was young enough to have had that and watch the show and get the annuals too at Christmas. Now in my mid-Sixties, I get it muddled up with another TV show, Woobinda, which I think was later on.
