Monday, 10 February 2025

Ed's Small Space Toy Photo Set-up


Here's the set-up I use for a bunch of my small space toys.

Sometimes I use the Tri-ang Moonscape, other times the MPC Golden Astronaut Moonscape.

Those small plastic background hills are included in a lot of Little Green Army Men buckets as terrain pieces and have come in handy for these shoots. The background picture I painted myself many moons ago.

From Vegas Base


  1. I love the simplicity of this Ed and thanks for sharing. Such a neat and tidy shoot space too ! I love the moonscape. I don't have one of those so I made one about 15 years ago. It is heavy as its fixed on a spare cupboard door and nowhere near as easy to use as yours! Your background painting is sublime, I'd have that on my wall!

  2. Yes, your toy alienscape sets are just magical, they look like they fell out of the 1970 Sears Catalog! SFZ

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/10/2025 8:18 pm

    A simple, clean setting provides a suitable background for your models, without distracting from them. Which is the whole point of a model photograph - the subject is the main focus. Great set-up.
