Thursday, 23 January 2025

Monkey Business

 Whilst relaxing among the mountains of Cumbria I got to thinking about my latest bit of messing with toys back home.

I was reminded of it by a gorilla. A small plastic one I bagged for 59p in a toyshop. I had to get it even though yesterday whilst at Moonbase I ordered two apes on eBay. These were dearer, around £4.

Ah well, I'll have three to choose from for my ape motorbike rider. I only need the head.

The old toy I'm emulating is this rare Ahi Planet of the Apes stunt cycle.

I've got my bike and my rider ready. The saw will remove the bike's fork rigging and the riders head.

I'll carry on aping around when I'm back home.


  1. It's interesting. For some reason it reminds me of an ape I used to have. I can't remember the pose. I think it was about the size of my adult hand, and had a nasty plastic chemical smell. I got it at a zoo, from a machine that I think vacu-formed it right in front of you. Odd things you remember.

    1. Wow, a while u wait ape! That's impressive Baron. All my toy insects and animals had a strong smell of rubber!

    2. Hey, Baron! Could your childhood machine have been the US Mold-A-Rama, which injection moulded molten polythene into various shapes? I saw one outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre back in '78 which made a solid lump model of the Grauman Chinese gate.
      (I didn't get one!),dozens%20of%20museums%20and%20zoos.

    3. Wow! Graumans! Next you'll be telling us you saw Star Wars debut there Looey!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/24/2025 3:52 am

    That really is something different. Wow.

  3. too much monkey business!

  4. A gorilla on a motorcycle?!?! You've really gone APE this time! SFZ

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/24/2025 4:41 pm

    APE - Agency to Prevent Evil, from the Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp TV series.
