Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Arthur! and the Square Knights of the Round Table - It's The Gift That Counts!

One of my favourite cartoons as a nipper, appropriately about a gift!


  1. He was a ring a ding a ling of a King! Bill

    1. He sure was. I adored this programme!

  2. On Sunday lunchtime, watched this eating a roast as a kid, I'm remembering Bailey's Comets too...

  3. This cartoon holds a special place in my heart. I used to watch it before I emigrated to Australia. Once there, my father discovered the Trash and Treasure markets at Rockdale and would take me along to see the sights.
    One was a basket with a bunch of original animation cels shoved into it.

    Did you know Arthur was actually an Australian production? Me neither!

    He's been in my mind recently because the Missus had taken to watching the 2008 Merlin series in the afternoons on ABC TV (Oz's answer to the Beeb!)
    It's finished It's run now, without showing the final fifth season.
    So my Christmas present to her is a boxed DVD set of the full series!
    -what's she getting me? Not a sausage!

    1. Yep, I knew it was from OZ but not as a kid Looey. Pure genius and I adored the creaky voices and jumpy animation. I picked up a few VHS tapes of Arthur in a discounter years ago, BeWise. Do you still have your cels? As for Merlin, it could be on telly here too. I remember my Missus and our daughter watching it back in the day on a Sunday afternoon. Great gift for your Missus that Looey. Good job she's not reading this!
