Saturday, 2 November 2024


 In 1965 James Bond made a big splash with Thunderball.

To cash-in on the underwater action Lone Star dived in at the deep end and released this fabulous plastic toy harpoon, which we've featured before on MC.

I never had one and ever since seeing one in TV Toy Zone's catalogue in the 1990's I've wanted one.

So, when I saw this litter grabber in Tedi, a discount chain in Germany, I snapped it up for 3 Euro and thought ..... James Bond!

After some serious spelunking with the grabber yesterday and today I came up with this, my DIY version of the Lone Star 007 Harpoon toy. More of an impression than a replica.

See what you think.


  1. Looks pretty good to my eyes. Is it securely assembled or a wee bit shoogly in places? Incidentally, I just acquired another Space Blimp Of Christmas - this time with reversed colours (compared to my other one) and in the window display box. It's the current post over on my blog if you're interested.

    1. Thanks a lot Kid. Yep, all secure with lots of super glue. Wow, another Space Blimp! I've been keeping an eye on one on Ebay but the price made it water. My eye that is. I shall scoot over to Crivens. Congrats!

    2. That'll be the one I bought, W. It WAS a bit expensive (at least twice what it was worth) and the box was a bit the worse-for-wear, but these things don't come along too often and I'm handy at restoring stuff to a good standard (as you'll know, having seen the box on my blog), so I bit the bullet and bought it. Just waiting for a Herts Plastic Moulders Dalek and Plaston Tardis money box to arrive, so they'll be on view on Crivens once they're here.

  2. Wow, Christmas come early at Castle Crivens! Enjoy your new toys Kid!

  3. 'Shoogly' Kid ?!
    Never heard that one before. Where's that from ?

    1. It's a Scottish word for loose, shaky, Mish.

  4. Brilliant work again Woodsy - amazed at how you spot potential in stuff and then realise it so well! Bill

    1. Thanks Bill. I got the long litter grabber in the same German discounters I got the large plastic plane in, Tedi. The plane went on to be my DIY C21 Moonship. Tedi is great for cheap but decent tat and its huge. There's so much!
