Sunday, 3 November 2024

I'm Seeing More Things

Back when we were in Germany I saw these strange bubble candle blocks. They brought back memories of Dr.Who interiors and Sci Fi locations. What do you think?

Similarly these hand candles - handles! - stirred my id of monsters therein.

Those being the dreadful Hand of Glory in the film, The Wicker Man, placed menacingly by the bedside of the young doomed constable played brilliantly by Edward Woodward.

These small LED-lit Christmas houses, especially the one on the right, though quaint for sure, made me think of less festive dwellings ....

..... namely the iconic Bates house in Hitchcock's seminal Psycho. His Mother's in the window too! 

And equally, though less so, the Marston House in the terrific 1979 Stephen King mini-Series, Salem's Lot. Would you go in it? 


  1. Too much of a fantasy and horror mindset, I think, Woodsy.
    If you saw a cute little sparrow, you'd see Hitchcock's 'The Birds'.
    Or a pleasant flower, you'd see the man eating plant from 'Little Shop of Horrors'.
    Even a stylish classic 1950s car, and you'd be thinking of Stephen King's 'Christine'.
    Then again, we're all a bit like that on this blog, aren't we?

    1. ha ha, you've said it Mish, yep, we're a bit like that I reckon! As for me, I'm a hopeless case!
