Thursday 10 October 2024

Speed and Power Highlights

I managed to find some page spreads from early issues of Speed and Power and picked out some of the highlights, as mentioned by readers in the comments, including the early view of Space:1999. I couldn't find the image of Looey's flying train, but I think thats in the annual, as I recall it distinctly myself!

The illustrations for most of Arthur C Clarke's stories were by Michael Whittlesea and have a colourful, toy like look:
The aeronautical artwork is gorgeous and many of the paintings were by veteran Wilf Hardy.



  1. Looks like illustrator Mike Whittlesea was channelling his inner Chris Foss.
    Or was it the other way round ?

    1. Oddly enough, hes more of a classical painter than sci-fi illustrator, but has done a fair bit of book cover work. Probably a contemporary of Foss and may even know him!

  2. Amazing illustrations! Ah, the Future that we never had. What a ripoff! SFZ
