Saturday 7 September 2024


 I was watching a modern Thunderbirds Are Go episode with my Grandson Junior and Granddaughter Miss the other day and they were both excited and laughing about something that would happen in the opening.

Turns out it was the flying back of the sunloungers round the pool as TB1 ascends! They were howling when it happened.

Here are those sliding sunloungers so you can see for yourselves! It is quite funny!

It reminded me completely of how I always waited with baited breath for something similar when I was a kid watching the original Thunderbirds opening and looking out for a particular .... flame!

Its the single final lick of flame at the end that more or less erupts from the letter A in Supermarionation. Once I'd seen it I could relax into the programme proper!

Did you have any special moments in Thunderbirds or indeed any other TV show readers?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/07/2024 6:07 am

    During the Thunderbird 2 launch sequence, the cliff face opens, Thunderbird 2 taxis out, and the palm trees fold down. There was no other show on TV that gave you folding palm trees. I loved that scene.

    1. Yep, who could forget those folding palm trees Paul! Just fab I agree!

  2. I always loved the classic opening scenes on Thuderbirds and the end sequence with the close up shots of parts of the vehicles. The new Thunderbirds series could have been really cool had it not been for the ridiculously childish characterisations of the team and the stupidly comic interactions. Technically and visually its a delight, but the storylines and supporting characters are ridiculous - such as the caretaker with a pet plant and over the top melodramatic villains. A shame. Bill

    1. Can't say a lot about the new series as I've not seen that many episodes. The original TV series we grew up with is a damn hard act to follow lets face it. I'd forgotten about the close-ups of the vehicles at the end. They spin into view don't they?

  3. Classic Thunderbirds forever! The opening sequence still gives me chills! SFZ

  4. Those classic animated lightning bolts and Barry Gray's hyper frenetic teaser music... BEST.ANDERSON.OPENING.EVER!

    1. Although Stingray's
      "Stand by for Action... "
      followed by the explosion runs a close second!
