Friday 27 September 2024


I recently found this old plastic seated knight seen here on the right. He's got a shield and a lance.

As soon as I saw it it reminded me of a cast metal seated Samurai I got as a youngster seen above. He's got a long spear and remained unpainted.

Both riders require a horse and the Samurai's is waiting at the back. I can't recall exactly where I got the Samurai and horse from but it was definately mail order using a ..... postal order! I did it a lot in the early 1970's. 

It may have been the only way to remotely pay back then for a kid like me without a chequebook. Did you send postal orders?

Thinking about it, Argyle Models rings a bell.

I shall have a dig in my old stubs.

Did you have a Samurai or a Knight?

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