Friday 27 September 2024


Honestly guys, I'm not familiar with the movie This Island Earth pictured above. 

I may have seen it once on TV about a hundred years ago, BUT if the Colorforms spacemen are considered a tie-in to the flick then I can offer this shot of my knock-off Colorforms.

It's a nice set I bought quite a few years ago. None of them have helmets, there are no separate weapons or gear, and at ca 2.25"- 2.75" are much smaller than original Colorforms. 

The 'Orbitron' figure actually looks like one of the aliens from "This Island Earth'.

Have you got anything like this?

From Vegas Base


  1. Its actually a great film, Ed. One of the better B movies of its day. The Metalunan mutant is really well executed and theres a nice flying saucer for good measure! I never had any Colourforms toys, but I did have a small 2" Man from Planet X in pale blue rubber, that I found crammed inside a plastic spaceship I bought on ebay! Bill

    1. I agree, a really memorable film. the scenes on a ravaged and collapsing Metaluna are astonishing I thought as a kid, still do. The Mutant is really scary and the scene where it approached the transporter tube with the people inside frightened me to death as a nipper! The music was scary in that scene too!

    2. I do remember the saucer flying over the ruined landscape of the planet and the special effects were terrific for that era, but as it is, I don't watch movies much any more. I may turn the TV on and pick a movie, but then end up falling asleep or spending time on the iPhone.

    3. Blimey, no films Ed! I couldn't cope!

  2. Oh, you gotta see This Island Earth - one of the great SF flicks of the 50s! I even went to see the Mystery Science Theater riff on TIE, just so I could see it on the big screen - wow! SFZ

  3. one of these days maybe - I'm in no rush to watch much of anything anymore except for Y'allTube train videos.
