Sunday 22 September 2024


 More photos from London:1999 showing a selection of the scratch-built models on display, the Eagle cockpit, and some of the merchandise available to buy.

Chris Potter brought along a fine selection of Eagle models, including his excellent 44 inch Laboratory Eagle.

A white Hawk Mk.IX and a Swift.

Round 2 Eagle kits built by Chris Potter.

Chris Trice displayed some works-in-progress models including a large Ultra Probe build.

Crane used to position Eagles in the Moonbase Alpha underground hangars/

A work-in-progress Eagle model.

Some photos of the popular Eagle cockpit built by Darrell Simmonds and his team of helpers.

Some additional panels

Anderson Entertainment revealed a new pre-order Eagle ‘toy’ which takes it’s inspiration from the seventies classic Mattel Eagle toy.

They also brought along a model Eagle Hangar diorama built by Richard Ashton, to showcase their line of 10” Eagle models, the latest being the V.I.P. version (not shown) which, I’m reliably informed will soon be followed by the Pallet (Cargo) Eagle.

Fanderson had their own stand too, giving away goodie bags, and selling their brand new Space:1999 Super Space Theatre soundtrack CD’s featuring Destination: Moonbase Alpha and Alien Attack.

They were also selling a brand new set of 50 ‘Sweet Cigarette ‘cards featuring images from the second season, following on from the original seventies Barrett set of cards.


  1. Thanks for all the photo reports Scoop, great documentation of this milestone event. And now you are officially part of the Eagle crew, how cool is that!

    1. Thanks Arto. What do you think of the photos of the new Mattel Eagle upgrade,? Will you be adding it to your collection? The exclusive A.E. one has already sold out, but the standard edition is available for pre-order.

  2. It looks awesome Scoop, but I have confined my collecting to vintage toys only (or mostly). Still have the original Mattel one to acquire too!
