Tuesday 9 July 2024



I adored Action Stickers when I was a kid. You know, those rub-down transfers that went onto different glossy scenes. There were loads of packs and space was popular.

These packs from Spain look like a similar thing, Il Trastoriello Mondadori.

Besides Space Lab above, We have Star Hawks, which looks great!

and the mystery planet

On the back we can see some of that familiar rubbing action. Oh what fun!

Action Transfers or Stickers were really popular and still are with collectors.

Googling the Spanish name brought up a LOT of sets!

Did you have any Action Transfers?


  1. I had the Letraset (?) one with the space station being hit by the asteroid. It was a little disappointing that once the images were rubbed down that was it. More play value could have been had from clear vinyl repositionable elements.
    But that wouldn't have been Letraset then!

    BTW did you know Letraset produced special order colour sheets of the Yellow Submarine, so the production Animators didn't have to draw it repeatedly on every single cell?

    1. Fascinating Looey! I wonder if any still exist?

    2. I saw an unused sheet of Letraset Yellow Submarine images up for sale on eBay.

  2. I thought you meant Colorforms until I saw the comments. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorforms

  3. It's Italian, not Spanish Woodsy. 'il trastoriello' means something like 'the storyteller' and Mondadori are the publishers who still exist https://www.mondadorigroup.com/our-brands .
    While having a look it seems these transfer books were part of quite a series in the late 70s incl other subjects like the Battle of Waterloo. Best -- Paul

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/09/2024 6:56 am

    I had three of those landscape format books. Prehistoric life, something like Carriages to Cars, and Zoo animals. But there were a lot more I did not have. Around the early 1970s.
    The ones you just found look great too.

  5. I still have somewhere some 1950s-era Japanese transfer books which I used as inspiration for some of my space paintings. I'll dig them out and photograph them for the blog. The Space and Sci-Fi themed ones were the best - weird spacecraft in primary colors! SFZ

  6. Il Trastoriello Mondadori is italian. In Spain this kind of transfers were called "Kalkitos".....In this link you can see one from my collection...https://antoniosaz.blogspot.com/2023/11/kalkitos-del-mundial-78.html
    Regards froms Spain

    1. Hey thanks Antonio! How great are they!

  7. There were sets of clear vinyl re-positionable 'transfers', of the kind Looey suggests, produced in the 70s.
    Can't remember if they were 'Action Transfers' as such, but I had a haunted house one and I'm sure there were others.
    Oddly, they were not as satisfying, somehow.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean Mish. They were easily peeled off glossy dioramas.

  8. I loved transfers - Two Space 1999 sets and a graphically violent one of The Sweeney taking on a criminal gang hijacking a lorry containing frozen meat (!) were particularly favourites

    1. Nice one Fenton. The Sweeney was gritty all round. What a TV show! The transfers sound great!
