Sunday 12 May 2024

Roger Corman RIP

I'm sad to see the news that cult director Roger Corman has died. He was 98.

A hugely important figure in the world of sci-fi and horror films, his output was prolific.

My undying memory will be seeing his Edgar Allen Poe movies for the first time when I was a kid on the family TV. 

Of all of them, The Pit and the Pendulum, stands head and shoulders above them all and for me it's Roger Corman's masterpiece and helped spark a lifelong passion for horror films.

Rest in peace Roger.


  1. 98, he was blessed. We should all be so lucky.

    1. I know. I will have outlived my parents soon though!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand5/13/2024 8:43 am

    Another of the greats has left us. RIP.

  3. He was truly a legend of the B movie horror genre, but let's hope this isn't a 'Premature Burial' !

  4. A great man, and an amazing filmmaker. His films are amongst my top favorites. Was it Martin Scorsese who said “Roger is the father of us all.”? SFZ
