Monday 13 May 2024


 I'm always amazed by the number of Space 1999 knock-offs and bootlegs there are.

It's a brave second-hand world of plastic and resin.

Here's one I stumbled across online, a cheapo looking hand-weapon.

If it wasn't for the aging torn header card I'd say it looks 3D printed but I think its actually quite old.

Anyone recognise it?


  1. Seems an odd, unpainted, colour to me.
    Could it be a cast resin copy, from a mould off an original toy ?

    1. I do know what you mean Mish, it does look resiny.

  2. It looks like an old yellowed 'Fastcast' resin copy (fresh resin casts are a lighter ivory colour).

  3. It also looks way too accurate to be a toy from when the series was made!

  4. I agree with everyone here - it looks like a clever counterfeit, but from where, that's the question! The color is weird, as is the plastic texture. I say FAKE! SFZ

  5. Just going off the photo, I'd agree. Mish's comments about Fastcast Urethane are spot on. It does seem to have a screw hole on the base of the handgrip, which feels toy like...
    A quick Google of the actual props suggests that hole is bigger, more like a hanging hole and varies from round to almost half-moon shaped.
    The header card is odd that it doesn't include any branding, let alone the required ITC copyright indicia, so it's definitely a bootleg...
