Thursday 9 May 2024

Ed's Airfix Space Warriors

Woodsy and Fellow Moonbasers,

One of the benefits of blogging and getting replies is acquiring new knowledge and discovering new things. For me that usually means going out in The Cave and opening a box. I'm sure to be surprised.

I had made mention that Airfix had their own set of Galxay Laser Team figures. Nay, Nay. Tony commented that, while Airfix had their own figures, they were not the GLT. Out to The Cave I go. I have been photographing as many of my spacemen as time and energy permit, so the Airfix box was right where it could be easily reached.
Pulls, out box.
Pulls out figures.
Looks at figures.
Scratches head.
Says, to self, "Self! These are not the Galaxy Laser Team figures'.

Yay! I have a whole new set of figures I didn't realize I had! How could I not realize? Wellll, these were bought somewhere around ten years ago, and I never cracked the box open. They were quietly stashed away in the hoard and forgotten about. Until today.

The figures themselves are 54mm and molded in a gray soft plastic. They have that same '70s/'80s vibe as does the Tim-Mee figures though and make great companion pieces to them, but I am not at all a fan of the horrid colors of the originals. 

Fortunately, some years back Jeff Immel re-started the Tim-Mee line under license and now makes copies from the original tooling. 

They come in a variety of awful colors as tribute to the originals BUT he also offers a set in silver and black which I believe I'm going to order!

The modern Tim-Mee Toy site can be found here: Products – Tim Mee Toy (

From Vegas Base


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand5/09/2024 7:40 am

    Airfix had never been in to Science Fiction in a big way, but around the late 1970s/early 1980s they did produce a few new kits, mostly snap-together, and this set of figures.

    1. I also have two loose 35mm figures from Airfix! They're a bit funky looking and I don't believe I'll pursue getting the remaining figures in the set.

  2. Airfix did some lovely kits back in the day, including a lovely 'Cosmic Clipper' model in the 80's. I had these figures too, but was so annoyed that they were basically racing drivers in overalls and women in roman tunics! Bill

    1. I was a bit more into Airfix kits than I was into their figure line Bill. I had several sets of 1/72 scale figures but never liked those gosh awful thick-as-molasses bases on them.

  3. Airfix Space People! That’s a new one on me! SFZ
