Saturday, 24 February 2024



I completely adored Marine Boy as a kid, a TV cartoon like no other.

The music and the intro are imprinted on my brain and I couldn't wait for each new episode. 

I had no idea it was early Anime. The world would have meant nothing to me back then,

I never had any Marine Boy toys and I'm surprised about that, but I doubt there were many available, if any. A gumball like this Japanese one would have been terrific.

A rare tin Yonezawa sub would have blown my mind! Image courtesy of Mark Bergin toys.

Those major predators, the giant steel crab and the huge lobster appearing in the intro, were phenomenal and I loved those fleeting images, along with the Marineville-type underwater HQ, adorable mermaid and tech to die for, namely MB's cool red sub with its glass pipe portal and who can forget Marine Boy's power boots and the fabulous Oxygum, chewing gum full of oxygen.

Did you like Marine Boy on TV?


  1. Loved Marine Boy! It was syndicated in the US sometime in the late 60s. I agree, great opening sequence! There was an IMAI model kit of the flying submarine, but I never managed to snag one. SFZ

    1. I've seen that model kit SF. It looks good. Pity Popy never made die-casts of the machines and monsters in MB.

  2. Marine Boy was my introduction to Anime (although as noted, the term didn't even exist back then) I used to watch it on BBC 1 after school. I was fascinated by the Hokusai styled water and that bouncy electric guitar theme. The submerging HQ idea was probably inspired by Stingray which came out the previous year, although Marineville simply retracted into a bunker rather than getting wet. The idea of an undersea base was used again in Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets) and it's sequel Gatchaman 2.

    1. BTW a quick Google lens search brings up a number of tin submarines listed as Marine Boy (presumably to temp westen baby boomers) but they are all actually other subjects like Big X or Undersea Ocean Explorer as shown above. As noted in the post, there seems to have been very little Marine Boy merchandise beyond the Imai kit.

    2. Yes, there's a sub pictured Looey. I agree, very little merchandise for Marine Boy. He was ahead of his time I think. We just didn't appreciate what the show would herald.

  3. I'm totally unfamiliar with Marine Boy but watching that intro video it reminds me of Astro Boy which I enjoyed immensely!

    1. Yes, there will be similarities Ed I agree.
