Saturday, 24 February 2024


Recently mentioned on MC were a haul of paperback books by the British writer Guy N. Smith, famous for his horror books about killer crabs. He was a prolific author, and this series alone eventually ran to 12 titles, published between 1976 and 2019.

Crabs on the Rampage (1981) was the fourth book in the series. I thought the cover of this would make a good subject for a photo shoot, using some items I already had to hand .....

The King Crab is a toy by CollectA, and carries a 2012 copyright date. The ruined castle is a pre-painted aquarium ornament.

The background is a photographic model railway backscene by Peco. The photograph was taken in my new Shotbox by We R Memory Keepers.

A quick and fun project!

The book cover photograph is from Worthpoint.

Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. Nice photo shoot! Remind me never to go anywhere that location! I read one of Smith’s Crab books, and the gore was over the top. I had never read such a gruesome tale about killer animals. Very cool stuff. SFZ

  2. Fab crab Paul! Love the layout you created. A great homage to Guy N. Smith's famous cover. Click click click!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/24/2024 8:44 pm

    Thank you. That was one of those images that you see which just has to be modelled, or at least set up for some photographs. I have never read any of the books, or seen the film. This was inspired just by the book cover.
