Wednesday, 27 December 2023

The Gift-Bringer's Kindliness

 A few of the fab gifts I was given this Christmas. They'll certainly keep me occupied this winter!

Books, The Art of Horror and Horror Tales, a collection of the famous horror comics of the same name.

Eighties horror paperbacks. Here's Locusts by the brilliant Guy N. Smith

And Carrion by Gary Brandner, author of the Howling.

A superb model-making set of tools 

And my daughter astounded me with this huge vintage Spanish toy, Rescate Especial, which I've yet to properly delve into. 

More to follow.
Santa was kind this year!


  1. Is Guy N Smith the guy who did those bizarre "Crabs on the Rampage" books? If so, that boy is whack!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/27/2023 5:46 pm

    Glad you had a good Christmas. Plenty to keep you busy.

    1. Thanks Paul. Enjoy your extended holiday!

  3. Santa did you well Woodsy! Enjoy!

  4. That Spanish helicopter rescue toy is a belter Woodsy.
    Hope it still works.

    1. It does look great Mish ta and in fab nick. I'll have a good look once the festivities are over. Moonbase is full of visiting Earthlings again!
