Thursday, 23 November 2023


 I've always had a nostalgic liking for the early incarnations of Doctor Who, particularly the tenures of Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

I did begin to lose interest with classic Who when Peter Davison took over, although I admit to occasionally watching the odd  Sylvester McCoy episode.

One thing I collected during those early days was the World Distributers Doctor Who annuals, and here's a selection  of covers.


Note: This cover shows a Kahan HH-43 Huskie helicopter for some reason.
Stingray fans should recognise it as it was an altered version of the WASP helicopter that was occasionally used by Comr. Shore in the series 


  1. Good set of annuals! I think I may have all of these in pdf format on the bbc dvds, but I've never looked at them! I find myself only interested in 'classic' Who now. I liked the Davison era and some of the McCoy stuff was good.

    1. When it comes to my fondness for Doctor Who, I'm firmly in the classic era camp, and still enjoy rewatching my DVD's, Kev.
      Although I'll admit to watching the odd episode of new Who, I'm tired of the progressive themes it promotes, and constantly fails to appeal to me.

  2. Fabulous collection of annuals that Scoop. I had a few of them, my fave being the one with the chap wearing the kilt. Was it Fraser Hines? I've been enjoying the Sea Devils on BBC iPlayer, one of my fave seasons as a kid. I'm currently watching Bargain Hunt on BBC1, a 60th Anno Dr.Who special with Chris Balcombe, Who Superfan! He owns an original TV show dalek or at least most of one! An amazing collection of props and toys from a seriously devoted fan.

    1. I'm pleased to see all the Doctor Who episodes on iplayer (apart from the first story). I've been catching up on a few I haven't seen in a while, Woodsy.

  3. I was interested where the 1975 Pertwee photo cover location was. As with all things Dr.Who its all been researched. It's an old quarry as was in Red Hill, Surrey, not a million miles from where I lived in the mid-80's, Farnham!

    1. Then, it seems you lived near the Planet of The Daleks, Woodsy!

    2. I remember being on a train passing through the countryside and I saw A quarry. In the distance was a blue Police box. I was convinced I'd seen some filming set up for Pertwee era Dr. WHO.
      Thinking about it now, there was no surrounding film stuff and I wonder if maybe it was just a Porta Loo!

    3. A police box or a porta loo? Easy to confuse the two, and can lead to some frustration depending on whether you're after adventures in space and time, or just want to spend a penny, Lewis! :D

  4. That is one beautiful collection of Dr Who Annuals, I'm sure they gave kids much joy. Alas, I still only know the franchise through the two Peter Cushing theatrical films, which I did enjoy, but I know that some fans don't consider them "canon."

    1. I love both those Peter Cushing films, Zigg. I don't care if they're not considered 'canon'. The way new Who writers have suddenly decided to completely change the whole origin of the Doctor means 'canon' doesn't really mean much now!:D
