Thursday, 30 November 2023


Gareth Thomas on Pebble Mill at One with one of my early Liberator gun models and ...

 a shot from the filming of something that has been done for one of the Doctor Who season blu rays. I believe the sea devil gun is one I cobbled together years ago.



This key ring I saw on Ebay is the same as the Watneys Red Barrel one I had as a kid. Like Terranova47's Red Barrel lorry, this key ring was part of my childhood and a memorable member of my huge key ring collection back in the day.

Did you have any key rings?


Cybermen invaded BBC Breakfast last Thursday. The one on the left is carrying a gun that I made!

This is excellent news Doctor......

Kevin D

Fact Finding


A staple feature of growing up in the sixties, were the educational magazines available at newsagents, such as Treasure, Look and Learn and World of Wonder. I recently came across one I had been previously unaware of, which was published the same year I was born, in 1962 , on a weekly basis. It appears to have been quite successful and I picked up the first two volumes of ten issues each online. The main reason for buying them, was the glorious painted artwork on the covers, which turned out to be by an artist called Angus McBride.

McBride's covers are bright and exciting, with an almost photographic detail. the interior illustrations are by a variety of artists, mostly of a high standard and a mixture of colour and monochrome.
Most of the 20 issues have a small section called 'Secrets of Space', which in the main are devoted to astronomy and cover the planets, stars and comets and similar subjects. Issue 18 includes a full page of colour illustrations about Satellites and the front cover shows a model of the British Ariel satellite, which was launched in 1962, making Britain the third country to place a satellite in orbit.

The satellite was a joint British and American project and was put into orbit by an american Thor-Delta rocket. Unfortunately, the american high altitude nuclear test, Starfish Prime damaged the satellite with its burst of radiation, deactivating the timer on board. The satellite eventually burned up in re-entry in 1976.
Some contemporary news articles from 1962 - note the mis-spelling of 'aerial' on the central article. the satellite was named after the Shakespearean character from 'The Tempest'.
A 2009 infographic from The Times newspaper, showing the state of the British Space industry to date.

'Finding Out' magazine's other space related covers, a bleak martian landscape and a moon map indicate the content featured inside.


The Lion comic  'EPIC' Summer Spectacular from 1966 which featured an article about the upcoming Thunderbirds are Go feature film.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Batman by McFarlane Toys, in the style of Greg Cappullo with custom paint and cape Finish!

Hi Woodsy, if there's a day in the week that features letter Y then there's an action figure short from my channel, let me know if there's superhero fatigue....???
Southcoast Base


I was browsing an old book in a second hand bookshop the other day, Hollywood Turkeys or the worst films ever made!

I was fascinated by the number of old sci-fi flicks in there. The worst monster film of all time was .... Robot Monster! Not a movie I've seen but I know the monster, a huge gorilla with a robot's head. It looks quite a good design! Is it really that bad?

The big turkey, the award for the worst film of all time, went to ... yep, you may have guessed it, Plan 9 from Outer Space!

I've seen Plan 9 and yep, I liked it. Tor Johnson and Vampira. What's not to like! Poor Ed Wood also picked up the Worst Director Ever in the same book. It just wasn't his day.

Have you seen Plan 9? What do you think is the worst film ever readers?

Vehicles, Disassemble!

I liked these Take Apart toy vehicles when I saw them ages ago on auction. I don't know the brand but they had a UK design patent.

They've got really cool spacey designs.

I've seen that same font used for 'new design' on blister packed Billy Blastoff toys. Anyone know its name?

Blakes 7 Imipak Projector Scratchbuild by Kevin D

Here is my scratchbuild of the Imipak Projector from the Blake's 7 episode Weapon. It marks a victim indelibly and a marked victim can be destroyed at any time from then on with the key (which I've already built!).

I invented that death........


Tuesday, 28 November 2023


 Sixteen 12 Collectables have just  announced a great Christmas deal on their Micro Eagles and the deluxe electronic launch pad, a deal which will last for  just14 days. 

The launch pad will be available for just £47.99 + shipping, while the Micro Eagles will be available for just £9.99 + shipping.

Obviously, this deal has attracted such a tremendous amount of interest that their website has temporally crashed, so to anyone wanting to order, it will be best to leave it until the server resets itself.

The folks at Sixteen 12 are aware of the situation and are working to resolve things,  and have assured all those ordering they will get them at the special price once the bottleneck has eased.

Until then, here's a few photos I've taken in the past of the Micro Eagles and the Launch Pad.