Wednesday, 29 November 2023


I was browsing an old book in a second hand bookshop the other day, Hollywood Turkeys or the worst films ever made!

I was fascinated by the number of old sci-fi flicks in there. The worst monster film of all time was .... Robot Monster! Not a movie I've seen but I know the monster, a huge gorilla with a robot's head. It looks quite a good design! Is it really that bad?

The big turkey, the award for the worst film of all time, went to ... yep, you may have guessed it, Plan 9 from Outer Space!

I've seen Plan 9 and yep, I liked it. Tor Johnson and Vampira. What's not to like! Poor Ed Wood also picked up the Worst Director Ever in the same book. It just wasn't his day.

Have you seen Plan 9? What do you think is the worst film ever readers?


  1. Hey, don’t get me started on “bad” movies! That’s a pejorative term that means nothing. For instance, I think Jaws and Star Wars are “bad” movies, cuz they bored me to tears. On the other hand, Robot Monster and Plan 9 from Outer Space are two of my all-time favorites. They are super low-budget, very primitive, and sort of stupid from a purely Sci-Fi perspective, but they are something that self-important corporate franchises are not - fun. Also. I like the fact that they were made by filmmakers with limited resources but limitless imagination. So “bad” means nothing. If you enjoy a movie, for any reason, that’s enough. SFZ

    1. PS: Ed Wood was a Mad Genius.

    2. I really must watch Robot Monster SFZ!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/30/2023 4:56 pm

    I too liked Plan 9 From Outer Space. Ed Wood was a fun director, which is more than can be said for many of the self-important directors and stars, and their 'message' films. Is The Giant Claw in that book ? Another great 'bad' film. Cute monster.

    1. Not sure about The Giant Claw Paul. Rat Fink a Go Go gets the Worst Title Ever! See what you think, its all online too!

    2. The Giant Claw is magnificent! What a great kooky monster that has! I had the 8mm home movie digest of that one for years!
