Monday, 23 October 2023


Just watching the X-Files again, Season 1 Episode 1, "Pilot", the very beginning of the Mulder and Scully journey. Me and the Missus were so excited back in 1993 when it aired and for the next year at least we watched it religiously every week without fail. All the great episodes were there: Tooms, Squeeze, Gargoyles and more.

Watching the pilot again I'm getting that same old thrill. The Missus is in bed this time round but I may suggest that we watch the series again together. 

Checking the notes to the series I was amazed to see that creator Chris Carter was inspired by that old classic Kolchak The Night Stalker. I can see that, the original investigator of spooky goings-on, as well as Scooby Doo and the gang!

I was also amazed to see that there was another actress who played Dana Scully, one Tea Leone! What! Sacrilege! It must have been much further in the later series. It did go up to eleven series!

Did you like the X-Files?


  1. Kolchak was always my favourite.
    I can't help but feel that X Files helped lay the groundwork for our Post-Truth Internet culture. Would we have such intense mainstream anti-vax and Government mistrust sentiments without Mulder and Scully?

  2. Loved X Files. Possibly the 'newest' series in my fantasy dvd collection, I seldom venture beyond the 1980s!

  3. I was fervent X-Files fan from the outset, still got all the books, most of the uk comics and som of the early series on VHS. The pride of my collection is the Gillian Anderson edition of FHM magazine, which propelled Dan Scully into glamour stardom as she posed in purple pvc in the centrefold! Hubba Hubba! As the series rolled off the BBC into less accessible quarters, I lost track of it, so I have never seen the later series, especially where Mulder and Scully were replaced by two inferior agents. Tea Leonie was a love interest of Duchovny, so I can se why she was wheeled in as a poor Scully substitute! Bill

  4. Leonie played an actress who was playing the part of Scully in a film!

  5. I'm a fan of Kolchak and the X-Files. Both fuelled my TV thirst for paranormal, monsters, ghosts, flying saucers, conspiracies, etc. Still enjoy watching these on dvd.
